6 thoughts on “But Don’t Call Him A Fascist”

  1. I think Woody Allen would make a good doorstop and that is about all he is worth.

  2. See, they go straight for the hackneyed “he married his sort-of daughter” thing every time when they can use stuff like this to shoot down his idiotic statement.

    As I understand it, he’s still cool with Roman Polanski, too, so he’s got that going for him.

  3. Dear Folks,

    Babblings like Allen’s are why in the old days before film and the Hollywood PR machine, actors were regarded as irresponsible riff-raff, and were not thought to be trustworthy enough to empty out the chamberpot.

    M. Gallagher

  4. I find it odd, that a JEW who has spent more than half of his life talking about JEWS and persecution, talking about Hitler and JEWS and Czar’s and JEWS, Fascists and JEWS, decrying mistrustful, all powerful Governments and JEWS, thinks a guy who has a Muslim name, and a Muslim father and went to Muslim schools and attended a supposedly Christian Church where the minister talked trash about JEWS, will be kind to ANYONE, much less the JEWS.

    Woody needs to stick to making movies.

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