Led By Schlemiels

Some thoughts on self-abasing Jews. I like the Star Trek reference in comments.

And sadly, this seems related. They’re not brown shirts — they’re purple shirts, supported and encouraged by the State.

Folks, for those who have been brainwashed by academia all these years, this is what real fascism looks like.

[Update later morning]

A thug too far? Unfortunately, probably not, unless the media gets interested in the story.

[crickets chirping]

13 thoughts on “Led By Schlemiels”

  1. I did not like the star trek reference. The idea that someone could live in a concentration camp and not understand the nature of the people running it is complete crap. Rand, when babies were born in concentration camps, they were killed on the spot. I could go on, and list horror after horror. You might like comments which paint Jews as complete morons, but I don’t care for it.

  2. Basically, what we have here is ignorance about the Holocaust coupled with ignorance about US-Israeli relations. How can you stand it? Go read some history books!

  3. Bob,

    First they came for the bankers. And I said nothing because I was not a banker…

    So you have no comment on the Purple Shirts?

    I’m thinking that this piece hit a little too close to home for you.

  4. I didn’t read it. I’m still seeing red over the star trek comment. I’ll come back when I cool down.

  5. The idea that someone could live in a concentration camp and not understand the nature of the people running it is complete crap.

    I don’t I understand why you consider that crap? Here’s an example:

    All around the world there are enormously courageous journalists and bloggers who, at great risk to themselves, are trying to shine a light on the critical issues that the people of their country face; who are the frontlines against tyranny and oppression. And obviously the loss of Daniel Pearl was one of those moments that captured the world’s imagination because it reminded us of how valuable a free press is, and it reminded us that there are those who would go to any length in order to silence journalists around the world.

    Do you think Daniel Pearl was beheaded because he was a journalist? Do you think the people who video taped his murder and sent it to the press for the world to see were trying to silence Daniel Pearl as a journalist? That seems to be the President’s argument, as he claims to understand the nature of the people who killed Daniel Pearl.

    As the story says; “US led by Schlemiels”.

  6. For many years, I always wondered how the 1930s could have occurred, how people could have been so blind to the menace of totalitarian regimes and what they represented. I no longer wonder…

    Bob, I think that you have grossly misread what was being said in the link, and what Rand was trying to communicate. The Star Trek quote wasn’t used to describe Jews (many of whom were my direct ancestors) in the camps, but rather the Jews in Germany during the period BEFORE the camps. These otherwise intelligent people routinely ignored the warning signs, refusing to believe that the most civilized nation in Europe could fall into barbarity, that their own neighbors would turn on them.

    This isn’t to deflect the blame from the Nazis, but rather it is to point out that the Jews of Europe in the 1930s were all too often inexplicably blind to what was happening, and often refused to see what many around them were all too aware of.

    A great many ‘progressive’ Jews are so deeply tied to the Democratic party that they simply refuse to see that ‘they just aren’t that into you’ anymore, that the electoral calculus makes the Jewish vote (which is taken for granted) easily dispensed with in the broader multi-culti context of the current leadership.

  7. Do you think Daniel Pearl was beheaded because he was a journalist?

    I’m sure we all recall how the terrorists made him recite “I am a journalist and my father was a journalist…”

    (Of course, one of President Chauncey Gardner’s most prominent eccentricities is his complete ignorance of history. I still remember his assertion that the Securities Act of 1933 was passed after the Great Depression. Then again, Obama probably thinks that the Great Depression ended approximately two minutes after FDR took the oath of office…)

  8. In the concentration camp that is the United States, the babies are killed BEFORE being born. That is called “choice”, because it is more convenient for someone living as a wage slave in this prison to not have to feed another mouth, and so long as the prisoner is allowed conjugal liberties within the prison with the ability to escape the financial consequences, they think they are ‘free’.
    SEIU type union thugs are just trustees.
    A friend of mine is a postal worker and was elected head of his union local, but is a voting republican, a veteran, and an avid gun owner. His bosses at the national office came down on him for being republican, his reply was when Democrats recognise his second amendment rights, he’d be happy to vote democrat. His bosses told him specifically this:

    “Don’t you worry about that, the Union has trailers full of weapons. when the revolution comes down, we are going to be the only ones armed, and all the Republicans are gonna be disarmed.”

  9. “Don’t you worry about that, the Union has trailers full of weapons. when the revolution comes down, we are going to be the only ones armed, and all the Republicans are gonna be disarmed.”

    We’ll just start on a federal holiday while they’re all at the beach.

  10. The disturbing thing is the percentage breakdown. We can joke about it, but there may come a time of open warfare. We need to win this battle before it comes to that. We need to fight in the government, the courts, the schools, the media, blogs, everywhere. If we don’t, those trailers full of guns are going to get used.

    Where is the outrage regarding a mob being on somebodies private property and scaring a lone kid? This is a huge outrage but you hardly hear any.

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