5 thoughts on “Some Questions For (Racist) Loretta Sanchez”

  1. She has all the credentials for sliding out from under a ‘racist’ charge.

    Number 1.) WOMEN cannot be sexist or racist. (especially if they are liberal WOMEN)

    Number 2 HISPANICS cannot be sexist or racist.
    (especially if they are liberal HISPANICS)


    Number 3 Liberals cannot be sexist or racist
    (especially if they are liberal WOMEN, HISPANICS or are a member of any other pre-defined minority group and are liberal)

    You can also add in homophobic, Islamophobia, Xenaphobia OR any of the other outrageous crap the liberals invariably accuse NON-liberals of being on a daily basis. If you RUN the game, and control the referees (the MSM) then you can adjust the rules anytime you feel the want or need to do so or it furthers your cause.
    I guess if I could see a pattern in this system of accuse and deny, I’d know how to fight it.

  2. Unlike the original blogger, or most commenting on this matter, I have met Rep. Sanchez and have watched her career since she was elected to the House in 1996, ousting a truly horrible right-wing nut name of Bob Dornan. (I think that’s what this is really about – get back to that in a moment.)

    Rep. Sanchez has long worked productively with the very large Vietnamese immigrant community in her district. She works closely with various groups to promote economic and educational development, as that community has built a solid place for themselves in this new land.

    Labeling her a ‘racist’ based on one out-of-context quote is just cheap election-year politics, nothing based on reality. The actual conduct of Rep. Sanchez over many years, shows the reality which is very different.

    There are some very nasty people who used to run politics in Orange Co., California and they don’t run much down there any more. This TP thing is being exploited by these practiced haters to get their influence back. Bob-Dornan-style politics has no place in a civilized society and will do nothing to bring a better life to the people of California. That is the ugly past of that state (which I grew up in), not it’s future.

  3. Kevin, even hardened racists that get elected democratically generally figure out how to appease rival ethnic groups that are part of their constituency. So it’s no surprise that Sanchez used to, before her unfortunate “out of context” comments, have a good relationship with the Vietnamese community.

    You wouldn’t be the first to have been fooled for years by a slick politician.

  4. I’ve got to put Kevin as a Sanchez flack. I don’t believe anyone that uses the faux word ‘haters’.

  5. “Unlike the original blogger, or most commenting on this matter, I have met Rep. Sanchez and have watched her career since she was elected to the House in 1996, ousting a truly horrible right-wing nut name of Bob Dornan. (I think that’s what this is really about – get back to that in a moment.)”

    More like a stolen election eh Kevin?

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