7 thoughts on “Missing The California Of My Youth”

  1. Thanks for the link, and yeah, cause-and-effect is weak. Something like things were great before the war, then there was a war, 60 years later there was illegal immigration, socialism, blight, and foreclosures that didn’t exist 15 or even 10 years previously.

  2. I love how he goes straight from praise for California’s notable longtime lack of community standards – “Multiple-pierced tattoo artist/bartender starting a disco club/tattoo parlor business? No problem” in one paragraph – then in the next paragraph mourning the passing of “..cities and neighborhoods… ..clean, urban, and welcoming…”, with almost Midwestern values. Dude, meet Clue – Clue, this is Dude – oh, and here are Clue’s friends, Cause and Effect.

  3. I had the same thought with that passage. They didn’t judge people. Anybody can start a business. A multiple-pierced tattoo artist with a scruffy beard was welcome to start a business, but now a days we look at marijuana dispenseries. Yeah… I bet. Sort of like the smoke shops that open up in Texas have nothing to do with drugs.

  4. “…despite the will of California residents, continued to bleed state resources…”

    …and, therein, lies the myth.

    I used to love the state, wanted to live there as late as the early 90’s I even took a job there, even then, I saw the handwriting on the wall. But I digress.

    The myth that the “will of California residents” wasn’t being fulfilled. Somebody voted those clowns in up in Sarademento! That or there has been 40 odd years of massive voter fraud.

  5. Things have changed here in AZ as well. It’s the little things like security guards posted at the entrance of many supermarkets. Or clerks behind bullet resistant glass at convenience stores. That’s something I only associated with the crime capital Brooklyn when I was a kid.

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