9 thoughts on “A Partial List”

  1. Just out of curiosity, are we ever going to stop playing “you too” and instead realize we’re at war with a powerful and unbelievably evil Fifth Column, and act accordingly?

  2. Oh, and while we’re at it, maybe we can can the “world-weary conservative” schtick as well. This isn’t about inevitable national decay; it’s about a Fifth Column deliberately hurting our nation–a Fifth Column that can be eliminated like a cancer, thus rejuvenating our country.

  3. @Ken: We certainly spend a lot of time lamenting the “fairness” of the great game, and it certainly comes across as weak. On the other hand, the aimless reactionary is often just a liver lillied take on the lone wolf whackjob or third tier terrorist. He’s more likely to burn down his own house than strike a blow for whatever it is he thinks he’s defending.

    If things are going to escalate, conservatives should at least be smart about it. Mobilize to the last man. Peacefully lay lines of communications between clubs, churches, softball teams, hunting parties, whatever group of free bodies you can reach. Bind them to a movement that is locally and nationally committed to preserving liberty and the fundamental character of the country. After that, entice the enemy to overreach himself. Draw lines he has no choice but to cross, and keep him crossing until he’s thoroughly thinned himself out on deprivations and provocations. You will initially build strength openly and lawfully. He will try to legislate your ability to do so away. You will then disobey. He will try to enforce the law. At that point, he will reveal himself to be an untrustworthy, oppressive monster. And–God willing–by that point, you will have grown strong enough to seek decision on ground of your choosing and with the balance heavily in your favor.

  4. You’re both right, but I like Presley’s way of thinking. However, could it be that we’ve already reached a broken arrow scenario yet? You hope not, but we are getting to the point where tactics and strategy may not be enough. Evil doesn’t play fair and good innocent people are often clueless on the specifics.

  5. That’s just the direct action list.

    Add the fallout from: “You don’t believe the science is sturdy enough to support the supposition that humans have tipped natural climate change into Climate Change Cataclysim, thus you’ve caused this list of bad things to happen. Even if you personally live like a hermit.”

  6. @ken anthony:

    Who said anything about playing fair? 😉

    But you hit it on the head. The vast majority of folks are bystanders. To win, by ballot or bullet, conservatives must eliminate liberalism in a way that secures legitimacy after the contest and preserves or erects our vision of society. Such victory doesn’t bound your options; there’s limitless opportunity for guile in peace and war. More importantly, we want the enemy to play dirty. That is to say, we want to frame the way the other side fights as underhanded and unworthy of public support.

    Even then, you’re still starting off with a little over half the country either on the side lines or leaning towards the paternal embrace of liberal promises. Conservative advantages in geography, privately held munitions, and penetration of institutions related to the military and law enforcement will help in organizing an effective bulwark against statism, but the other side’s sheer mass betrays the magnitude of the task to remove it once and for all.

    To win, the right needs to convert more of the sideliners and even some left-leaning idle hands into effective reserves for the cause. In peace, you achieve this through what the Left calls community organizing. Conservatives used to know this sort of activity as mustering for the militia, lounging with fellows from your local VFW or Elks’ Club, or going to church. You know, the basic sort of bonding that builds fraternity between men. It’s in these local groups–you might call them cells–that you’ll find the key to mobilizing all the power you need to bring liberalism to its knees.

  7. I do have the problem of not being a joiner. I too often find myself with irreconcilable disappointment with most groups. Hell, I have irreconcilable disappointment with myself!

    But this is an existential battle. The pseudo intellectuals work relentlessly to destroy truth. They can’t wait to get their hands on that red button. They effectively shout down anyone that threatens their power. All the while they get funding by public taxation. We’re even funding the terrorists directly (or perhaps indirectly by just a single middleman.)

    Those verifiably wrong continue to spew undeterred. It can be very disheartening. Nope. I do not want to play fair with this bunch. We win, they lose has to be the battlecry.

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