4 thoughts on “Wrong About The King Hearings”

  1. Re his last question for Tina Brown. He’s no better or worse than anyone else she could get. They pretty much all say the same thing.

  2. My grand-parents were Italian immigrants. Sicilian to be more precise. There’s a running joke among Italians,
    “…there are only two kinds of italians. Those who don’t believe there is a Mafia, and those who are in the Mafia!”
    Actually and if the numbers get run, it’s almost an even split on Italian criminals vs Italian cops. For every Sammy the Bull out there ‘whackin’ his rivals, there is a Rudy Giuliani sending them ‘up the river’.
    Using that as an example, I think Mr King is looking for answers as to why there seem to be more ‘MOBBED UP’ Muslims, than there are ‘G-Men’ Muslims. He wants to see why and how are they getting the message of joining the jihad, as opposed to SEEING the freedoms and benefits of living here in America under the present laws.
    I’d say Beinart is loony if he thinks the concerted efforts and declarations of war by Islamofascists is on par with loners like Tim McVeigh or Ted Kaczynski or Eric Rudolph. And into just how many buildings have the (nut job) militias crashed large, fuel laden planes? Have they killed THOUSANDS of Americans ever? Have they openly declared war on the U.S.? Name just one incident where 19 native American, Right-Wing people committed even one act of terrorism.
    When you read the rants by jihadis they always talk about America being the Great Satan because of our free wheeling love of and acceptance of trashy music, movies, books, TV shows and our scantily clad women. It is precisely American liberal acceptance of homosexuality, gay marriage, and things like performance art that make the jihadis the craziest. What people like Beinart don’t get is that under Sharia, they’d be some of the first ones beheaded.

    And what the jihadis don’t get is that many right-wing Christian Conservatives JOIN them in distaste for things trashy. We just differ on HOW to get rid of that trash.

  3. What we have to wonder is why the intense desire to defocus the hearings. You might wonder if somebody is afraid of what might be exposed. My fear is the hearings themselves will be part of a coverup. “We did a thorough investigation and you’re nuts if you think anything is going on…”

  4. On my blogged I questioned the wisdom of holding Congressional hearings:

    “Isn’t that like hiring Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty to solve a crime? Moriarty may not have any personal involvement in the crime in question, but he is deeply invested in preventing Holmes from ever being successful at anything, so the Congressional Moriarties can’t be trusted. Same goes for any Executive Branch political appointee.”

    I concluded that the task rightly belongs to investigative reporters and think tanks.

    Maybe James O’Keefe should visit some mosques.

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