I Am Extremely Deviant

That is, I am so deviant, that I share virtually none of these deviancies:

Straight men enjoy a wider variety of erotica than imagined, including sites devoted to elderly women and transsexuals. Foot fetishes aren’t a deviance; men are evolutionarily wired to look for small feet, which are a sign of high estrogen production, which itself is a sign of fertility. Gay men and straight men have nearly identical brains, and their favorite body parts, in order of preference, line up exactly: chests, buttocks, feet. Straight men prefer heavy women to thin ones. Straight women enjoy reading about and watching romances between two men — it’s not about the sex, which is downplayed, but the emotion, which is the focus. (The largest audience for “Brokeback Mountain,” says the book, was straight women.) Straight men have a fascination with other men’s penises, which may be conscious or unconscious.

For the record, I am a very straight man, who has zero interest in elderly women, transs3xuals, feet, chests, and a negative degree of interest in other mens’ junk. I don’t even like to see it in porn, particularly in a woman’s mouth. Few things make me go for the fast forward faster than fell@tio. But apparently, I’m weird in that regard, judging by its prevalence. I would also note that I’ve never done a single one of the top ten searches sited in the article.

Just in case my readers had been wondering.

13 thoughts on “I Am Extremely Deviant”

  1. Straight men prefer heavy women to thin ones.

    So why the Hollywood preference for anorexic actresses?

  2. So why the Hollywood preference for anorexic actresses?

    How much of Hollywood and the fashion industry are ran by “non-straight” men?

  3. “Just in case my readers had been wondering.”

    I haven’t been; other readers’ mileage may vary. ;-p

    With that straightened out, I wonder how many of the searches looked at in the survey were “serial” searches from the same people? The article doesn’t say if the “billion searches” were from a billion different people. I’m betting not.

    And did they differentiate between searches from Western countries and s3xually repressed moslem countries (goat sex wasn’t mentioned in the article)? Perhaps. I haven’t/won’t read the book, and I’ll admit I didn’t read the article all the way through; not much interests me less that other people’s s3x lives.

    “Straight women enjoy reading about and watching romances between two men”

    Not any I’ve ever known. I do admire (and sometimes mildly envy) good buddy relationships between straight men, but the rest, no.

    “(The largest audience for “Brokeback Mountain,” says the book, was straight women.)”

    That I’d believe, since I doubt straight men would care (unless they’re libs and want to prove their “sensitivity” to women.) I’m sure homos3xual men also read it, but considering the percentage of homos3xual men in the country as opposed to the percentage of heterosexual women, the “largest audience” would necessarily have to be heteros3xual women. (Even I can do that math.)

  4. Apologies for the use of the “3” above. The comment thingie said the original comment was “spammy”; I took a guess and changed “s-e-x” to “s3x.”

  5. Yeah, that list was less than titillating.

    You know what I find attractive? Pretty girls. No, really.

  6. I’m so deviant that the most interesting thing in this post is that Rand typed “sited” where he should have written “cited.”

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