Lara Logan

…and the Muslim rape culture. This is a very politically incorrect article.

And in related news, here comes the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. This may be playing out as Israel’s nightmare.

[Update a while later]

Will the Muslim Brotherhood succeed where bin Laden failed? As Michael Totten writes, “The gradualists–not moderates, but gradualists–in the Brotherhood do have a greater chance of success. Unlike the vicious psychotics of Al Qaeda in Iraq, they won’t alienate their soft supporters until it’s too late.”

11 thoughts on “Lara Logan”

  1. Could you imagine what would happen if “right wing” Christians in America made women wear Burqas?

  2. Can you imagine what would happen if you suggested that no-fault divorce when minor children are in the home is the equivalent of rape (visited upon the children)?

    Islam isn’t the only culture with issues.

  3. “…the first president of Iran claimed…that, ‘Scientific research had shown that women’s hair emitted rays that drove men insane.'”

    He said this while adjusting his knit cap made entirely out of women’s hair…

  4. Kids who experience divorce, Andrea. It’s emotionally damaging to them, as well as being raised without a father in the home (as most of them are). The fact that people can divorce without cause when children are present is not an admirable trait of our culture.

  5. I’m not a fan of divorce, but people don’t divorce “without cause.” And no, it’s NOT like child rape for mommy and daddy to split up. Talk about an exaggerated, unbalanced argument.

    Full disclosure: I used to pray for my parents to get a divorce, or at least split up. They drank, and they fought like cats and dogs when they had put back enough. T

  6. Goddamn this laptop. To continue: my parents fought all the time — screaming and yelling fights, rarely physical, but it had gotten so bad that I couldn’t get enough sleep. So, when they finally separated for a while, far from me being miserable, I was just fine. At last, I could spend time with both my parents — separately, so I didn’t end up being ignored while they went at it hammer and tongs. (They were just fine as long as they weren’t in the same place at the same time.) Unfortunately, they had been together too long, and they couldn’t stand being alone, so they got back together. Things were fine for a while, then the fights started again.

    Anyway, I’m pretty much proof that parents splitting up isn’t exactly “rape.” And it’s insulting of you to claim so for every child in the universe.

  7. The fact that people can divorce without cause when children are present is not an admirable trait of our culture.

    We also drive on the right side of the road. That isn’t an admirable trait of our culture either.

  8. Ooh, I just thought of something else. Anyone who says “my parents raped my childhood when they got divorced!” is like the guy who came into the insurance office where I worked in Winter Park. Someone threw a bottle at his Camaro on I-4, so he called his insurance company (we were their agent) on his cell phone and started whining at them about their fees and claims process and whatnot. His key phrase to describe his mortification that he, a very important Camaro owner, should have to go through such an ordeal? “I’m being raped here!”

    So, unless their childhood actually contained episodes of Daddy bending them over the kitchen table, anyone who claims their parents divorce was the equivalent of “rape” is a big, entitled pussy who needs to man up.

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