10 thoughts on “Pathologizing Human Nature”

  1. I don’t know about s3x, but they’ve found genetic markers for addiction. And I didn’t need that study to convince me.

    I know of two different instances where a (biological) parent, who had no contact with their offspring, wound up having offspring just as screwed up and addicted as they were. In both cases the child had decent, wholesome upbringings with zero contact with said parents. Hell, in one case dad was DEAD before the (screwed up) offspring was ever born.

    I’ve read where adopted children, raised in decent homes and not knowing they were adopted, were addicts in the end. There’s gotta be something to it.

    Drug and alcohol addiction are in some ways legal and come about through legal means. You can buy alcohol nearly anywhere and more people are addicted to prescription drugs than illegal drugs. That being said, it’s culturally acceptable to be addicted to those drugs and alcohol.

    Sex addiction is NOW socially acceptable because sex is so socially acceptable. Plus, there’s the added advantage of the social acceptability of pulling oneself up by ones bootstraps.

    Or if you continue to be a slut or a horn dog, or back slide into previous sexual depravity, you get to whine to Dr. Phil about your ‘addiction’.

    Personally, I think a few people may be s3x addicts. The majority are just riding their backs as a way to get laid a lot, and walk away from any consequences.

  2. As long as they have group therapy for it, there will always be places for shy people to go hook up…

  3. As William S. Burroughs once noted, the physical drive for secks is the most insidious addiction because, unlike other addictions, it requires no input: Heroin addiction requires heroin. Opium addiction requires opium. No input = no addiction.

  4. Nor are there pushers on the corner providing the…uh, okay. Not exactly.

    But it’s true that you’re born with what you need to do the deed. Even in the absence of prostitution, other than perhaps trying to induce guilt, you can’t meaningfully attack the ‘supply side’ of the matter…

    And, of course, some acts don’t even require another person.

  5. Of course, Burroughs was able to deal with the situation by becoming/being (take your pick) homosexual. Celibacy is made much easier these days with intarweb pr0n.

  6. Why did Steppenwolf’s “The Pusher” just pop into my head?

    Not sure of there’s such thing as sexual addiction, but there sure is such thing as sexual gluttony.

  7. Consider it from an evolutionary perspective: is there a Darwinian downside to being really really really interested in procreation? Not that I can see. “Addicts” are merely at the far end of the bell curve for procreative activity; before the rise of modern civilization it would have been an advantage for them.

  8. s3x is of course addictive. If so many people weren’t so compelled to engage in it, then our species would have died out long ago.

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