The Semi-Colon

Do we need it?

I use it a lot less than I used to, but the main thing that I use it for is in sentences with a list after a colon, to delimit the list items, allowing them to then use commas.

For example, consider the following: item one; item two, with a comma; item three, also with a comma; item four.

13 thoughts on “The Semi-Colon”

  1. Yeah, I use that method as well, when I’m writing up technical documentation. and I’m a C# programmer! =)

  2. We should keep the semi-colon; it joins sentences that are part of the same thought. Commas and conjunctions work, but we cannot use them all the time. A period just brings an idea to an end.

  3. I use the semi-colon frequently; as Titus says, it joins independent clauses that are part of the same thought, whereas a period would separate them.

    There really is a lot that you can do with word choice and punctuation to alter or enhance the pacing and flow of a sentence or paragraph, which in turn can improve your ability to communicate to readers.

  4. On the other hand, doing away with the semi-colon would cut down the use of colostemy bags, conserving our precious, precious natural resources.

  5. If the semicolon is in danger of falling into disuse, then clearly a government program is needed to educate the public and advocate its use.

  6. Actually, I rarely use colons; I don’t write a terrible number of lists, or else have a (subjunctive?) clause that warrants using a full colon to preface.

  7. I forget who said, “The semi-colon is a little celebration of the logical connection between consecutive thoughts of the writer.”

  8. Semi-colons are a ridiculous kludge. Replace comma-delimited lists with a nesting hierarchy of parenthetical delimiters. 😉

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