The President’s AIPAC Speech

Meryl Yourish live blogged it.

[Update a while later]

More thoughts from Ron Radosh:

So the question is, as I conclude, whether or not the president means it, whether or not he will backpedal in the other direction, and whether he will seek to mend matters with Prime Minister Netanyahu, rather than push him in directions Israel does not want to go. We now have evidence that in a few short days, the pressure moved the President away from the contentious trap he set before meeting PM Netanyahu. Will he now change again facing pressure from the “realists,” the anti-Israel left-wing, and the Arab nations—including those of the Arab Spring that are turning out to be vigorous enemies of Israel. Time, as usual, will tell.

All of his statements come with expiration dates.

2 thoughts on “The President’s AIPAC Speech”

  1. So what if we seem determined to throw the only functional democratic country in the Middle East under the bus in order to gain a few moments of good will with a bunch of countries that would be happy to see the US sink into a huge pit of lava. It’s not like they supply a bunch of our Military Defense technology or anything, right? Right??

  2. And I noticed in comments to Meryl’s speech notes, that a commenter was upset because Obama was being treated rather poorly while supposedly Obama was more charitable to his opponents. I guess the commenter has never heard of Obama’s calculated slights over the years.

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