15 thoughts on “What Sarah Palin Got Wrong”

  1. Yet if Paul Revere had seen our future financial situation, where each household was saddled with over $500,000 in government liabilities, he would’ve stayed in Boston, or perhaps ridden through the countryside shouting “The debt is coming! The debt is coming!”

  2. She wasn’t teaching a class with the objective of filling all the details, whereases, and from thats. She gave a short technically correct (on several levels) answer during an interview.

    Mr. Miller is as my Grandmother woulld say “Straining at gnats and swallowing camels” explaining his finesse. As a debate coach, I’ll give him a D+, also technically correct but obsessed with using minutiae for the purpose of obfuscation. He exemplifies the sort of history teacher that makes students yawn.

  3. I’m underwhelmed. If that’s her actual direct quote, then I expect she was speaking primarily metaphorically, meaning the fact of Revere’s ride was the “warning” to the British that the colonists would forceably resist the confiscation of their weaponry, which I believe was the point of the redcoat march on Lexington and Concord. She’s certanly bang on correct about that, and those who promptly howled at her ignorance strike me as unimaginative clowns or partisan hacks, or both.

  4. The weird thing is how she has a compulsion to double down on what would otherwise be fairly innocuous mistakes (as exemplified previously in the Couric interview). It seems like she just mis-spoke or had a brain fart as commonly happens to most folks when speaking extemporaneously. No big deal. But then to try to use this ludicrous defense to justify her comment, that’s the nutty part.

    If the Republicans nominate her she’ll hand the presidency right back to Obama. A vote for Palin is a vote for 4 MORE YEARS!

  5. A vote for Palin is a vote for 4 MORE YEARS!

    Yeah, we’ve heard that before. It’s how we get RINOs galore, and a Team Red and Team Blue that take turns being the ruffian who knocks the citizen-taxpayer down and the blackguard who rifles his purse and pockets.

    Screw that. I’m perfectly prepared for a President that misspeaks all over the place, doubles down on any number of dumbass statements — and takes a torch — no, the exhaust from an F-1 — to the kudzu plant that is the Federal government and the sick corn-dole Help me Obi-wan Kenobi you’re my only hope culture of individual passivity and leave it to the “professionals” Caesarism that backs it up.

    Democrats have far more to fear than Republicans from 4 more years of Obama, since by 2017 he’d have trashed their brand so badly no one will vote Democratic for the rest of the century.

  6. You act as if Palin is the only non-RINO Republican who could run for president.

  7. Ooh. Trying to get us afraid of Sarah Palin “followers” “rewriting” Wikipedia (because otherwise it’s the God’s honest truth on that website) and a link to a Huffandpuffpost article as backup! It’s Matula™, straight up!

  8. Andrea,

    Actually if her followers believe wikipedia is important enough to rewrite it would do much to explain why they are such a laugh.

  9. Palin has character flaws, apparently unlike any of the other candidates.

    If a better candidate than Palin runs we should vote for him. Otherwise Palin will do. Most elections are about selecting the lesser evil rather than the perfect candidate. If voters had followed this principle in 2008 we might be better off now.

    One thing that’s clear from the Left’s behavior is that they see Palin as a tremendous threat. You don’t see them demonizing the “frontrunner” Romney. I agree with Limbaugh that she will be the candidate to beat, assuming that she runs.

  10. Jonathan,

    [[[Most elections are about selecting the lesser evil rather than the perfect candidate. If voters had followed this principle in 2008 we might be better off now.]]]

    That is my policy and its why I voted for Senator McCain even though he made the worst VP pick in modern history.

  11. Leland,

    I didn’t even have to check Wikipedia, the Huffington Post did it for me 🙂

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