12 thoughts on “Jon Stewart”

  1. I’m about as libertarian-leaning as they come, which isn’t quite the same thing as saying conservative, I guess. However, I think Jon Stewart is 100% correct to attack Fox News as being a bastion of demagoguery and a major source of our current state of 24-hour infotainment and intellectually lacking news coverage. CNN, MSNBC, and all the rest are also to blame, but I agree completely that the problem all these “news” outlets have is an overabundance of sensationalism, rather than any particular ideological bias. They all give short shrift to any intellectually compelling arguments, focusing instead on sound bytes. Fox News is in no way any better than the rest, and I would argue is probably even worse. The fact that I often agree with their ideological viewpoint doesn’t negate the fact that they produce the shallowest of analyses on virtually every major issue. And they hire crazy people (but who doesn’t in news these days?).

    As a relevant aside, I’ll add that I believe most news outlets are largely liberal-minded journalists who are making a good-faith effort to be fair in their reporting, while Fox News consists of openly conservative activists who make little to no effort to actually be fair to the other side, other than through the use of straw man arguments. While I often agree with their side of the argument, I find no satisfaction in seeing my own viewpoint without a serious discussion of reasonably-held opposing viewpoints.

  2. It’s very hard to feel sorry for Steven Crowder. He’s a comedian only in the same sense that Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh are comedians. His role is exactly the same.

    A couple years ago American health care industry shills were attacking the Canadian system, trying desperately to show that public insurance couldn’t work. Crowder produced a video on Canadian health care and it was posted endlessly to social media sites like Digg and Reddit via different blogs.

    To say that he made Loren Thompson’s and Joe Fragola / Valador’s comments on SpaceX look honest and impartial is an understatement. It was a hatchet job, full of half-truths, quarter-truths, misrepresentations and worse.

    We have HIS side of the story, HIS claims that he’s been “bullied.” If Thompson or Fragola claim to be unfairly bullied by SpaceX, I’ll take it with the same grain of salt and for much the same reasons.

  3. I despise slanted news from any source. Would not trust Fox news to tell me rain was wet.

    Along with a few thousand other “news brands” of various kinds – they’re all jerks.

  4. I’m about as libertarian-leaning as they come, which isn’t quite the same thing as saying conservative, I guess. However,

    I stopped reading Wappledoo’s comment at this point.

    Why do concern trolls think that the rest of us are so stupid?

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