Hama Doesn’t Forget

or forgive. Things are not going to end well in Syria.

[Update a few minutes later]

Are we going to do anything to people who kill Americans? Apparently not. The Bush administration never did — it would be pretty foolish to expect this gang to. We’ll bomb Daffy, but not do anything about people who are actually committing acts of war against us.

[Update a few more minutes later]

Iran is at war with us. Are we at war with Iran? In fact, they’ve been at war with us for over three decades, but we continue, administration in, administration out, to pretend otherwise.

[Update a while later]

Well, at least we’re flaming Syria on Facebook. That’ll learn ’em.

4 thoughts on “Hama Doesn’t Forget”

  1. “It takes but one to make a war, not two, and those who do not have swords may still die upon them.” -Eowyn

  2. “They knew the facts all along, but repeatedly soft-pedaled them and on occasion even denied having such evidence. So when Secretary of Defense Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mullen (finally) said “the Iranians are killing our guys,” I wasn’t impressed. “NOW you tell us!” was my gut reaction. “So how come we didn’t hear about this many years ago?””

    We did hear about it years ago.

    The return of al-Sadr from Iran telegraphed the recent uptick of violence in Iraq.

  3. There’s a saying around called “Hama Rules” which goes like this:

    Rule One: Win or Die.

    Rule Two: There is no rule two.

    Inspired by the Ba’athist response to an earlier revolt in Hama.

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