47 thoughts on “They Must Have Just Become Racists”

  1. The real problem is not public opinion, it’s the ground game. They’ve got legions with support of the justice department and the media. Not to mention Acorn (by any other name) is still getting millions of taxpayer dollars. I really believe that 2012 will tell us if we still have a functioning democracy.

  2. The problem is there are no Republicans running, just a pack of Tea Party/John Birch candidates pretending to be Republicans 🙂

  3. So is “Jim” going to set Spatula straight on who the GOP frontrunner is, or is there some kind of professional courtesy among trolls?

  4. Tea Party and John Birchers? The “presumptive front runner” is a Richard Nixon clone.

    Of course, one wonders who is doing the presuming, since the article states that the American people don’t like him.

  5. “The problem is there are no Republicans running, just a pack of Tea Party/John Birch candidates pretending to be Republicans .”

    The Thomas Aquinas of Crap Thinking checks in with us again. You know, like there’d be a strongly pro-freedom candidate he WOULD like.

  6. I want to be optimistic about the chances Obama will lose, but that statistic still does not overturn the fact that polls indicate that Obama still wins vs. any specific Republican candidate.

  7. The problem is there are no Republicans running, just a pack of Tea Party/John Birch candidates pretending to be Republicans

    That’s OK; there are no Democrats running either, just Barky.

  8. The problem is there are no Republicans running, just a pack of Tea Party/John Birch candidates pretending to be Republicans

    That’s yet another stupid remark by Thomas, our resident moron.

  9. Ah, the Tea Party/John Birch group think. So predictable. So isolated from reality 🙂

  10. What Thomas knows about the Tea Parties could be written on the back of a postage stamp in crayon. What he knows about the truth would take even less space. When it comes to the Tea Parties, Thomas is a Leg Humper. He’s like a near-sighted dog humping a table leg, thinking he’s scoring big time but only looking more and more like an idiot.

  11. Give Thomas a break. He wants Obama to have a rematch with that real Republican McCain or perhaps his daughter.

  12. Ah, the Tea Party/John Birch group think. So predictable. So isolated from reality

    Yep. Look at the 2010 elections as an example: those knckle-dragging mouthbreathers actually thought that they won control of the House of Representatives!!1!. Fortunately, Barky was too busy playing golf to be affected by this meme.

  13. larry j: please stop insulting morons!

    I’m so ashamed. Who would want to be compared to Thomas?

  14. Akatsukami,

    Many of the folks voting in 2010 thought they were voting for Republicans. Now that they see how radical the folks they elected are and how in their hatred of President Obama they are willing to trash the economy with a debt ceiling crisis the Tea Party manufactured, they will likely not be in office after the next election.

    Think of the 1964 elections when the public wrote up to the John Birch Society.

  15. a debt ceiling crisis the Tea Party manufactured

    How perceptive!? If only we would just ignore that pesky debt ceiling which is only there to placate those dim folks that don’t think we can borrow ourselves into the socialist utopia.

  16. Ken,

    Its only there because the Tea Party choose not to raise it. Folks are more then willing to borrow to the U.S. which they see as a strong economy. In terms of its ratio to its GDP the U.S. is only 35th in the world and has less debt proportional to GDP then even Germany. In short the U.S. has one of the best debt to GDP ratios of the industrial world. So there is no reason to not raise the debt.

    The possible downgrades are not due to the ability of American to pay back its Debt, but from fear the Tea Party will force the country to walk away from it in their ideological hatred of President Obama.

    So yes, it is a Tea Party manufactured crisis to trash the economy so they will win against President Obama in 2012.

  17. Rand,

    Someone needs to provide an alternative to the Tea Party group think on your blog.

  18. Rand’s post didn’t even mention the Tea Party; you’re the one who brought it up. At least Chris and Jim are worth engaging now and then. You don’t even rise to that level. You’re just dull.

  19. “So yes, it is a Tea Party manufactured crisis to trash the economy so they will win against President Obama in 2012.

    Oh, sort of like the manufactured economic crisis by Obama to push through his signature Stimulus legislation? To take over the Auto makers? To push Obamacare down our throats? To demand that we up the debt limit or we’ll default and have to toss granny off the cliff? Oh wait no, my bad, the tea party isn’t doing any of those things. Nevermind…

  20. Oh, and I forgot to ask, Matula. Was Obama trying to trash the economy just so he could get elected when he voted against raising the debt ceiling back in 2006? Why, its almost like he continually says one thing and does another. Well, at least NOW he says he regrets voting against raising the ceiling back in 2006. Oh my, he must feel just so terrible and conflicted deep down inside. Well, as long as his soooorrrry then I guess it’s okaaayyyy. It’s not like he’s some radical John Bircher or something, jeesh. Say John Birch 6 times in the mirror and he will appear out of nowhere and viciously beat you about the head and neck area with a rolled up copy of the Constitution. Eee gads!! The horror!

  21. Mr. Matula,

    I am most interested to know how you categorize each of the following candidates.

    Which one, Tea Partier or John Bircher?

    Michelle Bachman
    Herman Cain
    Newt Gingrich
    Jon Hunstman Jr.
    Gary Johnson
    Thadeus McCotter
    Ron Paul
    Tim Pawlenty
    Mitt Romney
    Rick Santorum

  22. Debating with Matula is about as futile an exercise as debating with Chris Gerrib. Neither one argues honestly, relying on made-up history and weasel answers, and Matual gives me the impression of someone who may not be “all there” upstairs.

    I too would like to know which Republican candidate is a member of the John Birch Society. (Is that even still around?) Unlike Matula, I’ve actually known some JBS members and they’ve always struck me as decent people, and certainly pro-freedom. Certainly better examples of humanity than the Red Diaper Baby whom Matula almost certainly voted for in the last presidential election and most of the other “Staatshtuppen” I’ve encountered over the decades. But why ask him? In the Cuckoo Land inside his head, where he lives, real-world facts don’t enter into any discussion.

  23. 2006, in the middle of the bubble would have been the ideal time to deal with it, it might have even cooled to economy down a bit. But in the middle of a recession it’s the last thing you need to mess with.

  24. Hal,

    First, what is the difference? The Tea Party is just the Koch brothers pushing their dad’s agenda in a new package.

  25. Bilwicke1,

    Senator McCain a red diaper baby? What are you on? Or is that how the Tea Party sees every one who won’t buy into their radical ideology?

  26. there is no reason to not raise the debt

    It seems you are not in agreement with a great many people.

    The Tea Party is just… Thomas having another hallucination. I just sat in a theatre with a few hundred people that you could not label so easily.

  27. Thomas,

    I’d be interested in your views on Romney and Huntsman. I’d expect you to favor these guys over the rest. Romney strikes me as a “pander bear” who is secretly a real Republican, and Huntsman strikes me as the real thing, a bonafide Republican. (Unfortunately for him, his knowledge and experience regarding China lured him (or enabled Obama to lure him) into a politically harmful ambassadorship. Is Huntsman not your favorite? If so, why? He is the only candidate that I think Obama is worried about, and Huntsman lack of success in the polls so far is a boon to the Democrats, and an indication that your basic position is right, despite what the crowd here thinks.

  28. Thomas,

    What is the Koch brothers’ father’s agenda in your view? Insomuch as that agenda aligns with mine, I’m more than glad to have them pushing it. However, in regards to drug law repeal, and gay marriage our views diverge as they are in favor of both, and I am not. I am in favor of greatly reducing of the federal government both in size and influence. Are you going to honestly tell me that these are not my genuine views and I only hold them because I am under their influence? Really, the federal government has much more influence over me. As to your remarks about the John Birch Society, I rate their current influence over the political area as just a touch over zero, having never heard a speech, paper, or conference speaker list. You may very well think that reducing the size and scope of the federal government is a radical point of view, but I can tell you that your view is far from universally shared.

    As far as what to remove, I would start with getting rid of all departments that are also represented at the state level. E.g. Ed, HUD, HHS, etc. Why am I paying for duplicated efforits? I am willing to except treasury from that since they are doing similar things but for a different level of government and thus don’t truly overlap.

  29. “Tea Party”= “Pro-freedom.”

    Matula voted for McCain? Well, in the Bizarro Planet world where he lives, maybe he did.

    This discussion reminds me of something funny I read on the Classical Values blog. Michelle Bachmann is unelectable because “[she] doesn’t pal around with terrorists, have a racist pastor as her spiritual adviser, a card-carrying Communist as her mentor, an illegal immigrant aunt, a property she purchased with the help of a convicted felon political fixer, or even a brother she abandoned to Third World squalor.”

  30. Bob-1

    Gov. Romney has always been good at appeasing voters, a necessary skill when you live in one state, California, while claiming residency and voting in another, Massachusetts. The question is if he would continue to appease the TP/JBS once president or if he would go back to being a Republican,

    Gov. Huntsman does have potential, being a fiscal conservative instead of a fiscal radical, but I agree his connections with the People’s Republic of China makes him a non-starter with the TP/JBS forces that have hijacked the Republican Party. He also doesn’t have the hatred of President Obama which seems to be the key litmus test for being accepted by the TP/JBS

    Governor Johnson also has potential, but is a non-starter since he is liberal when it comes to the social issues so critical to the TP/JBS, even to having a live-in girlfriend. No way does that fit with the TP/JBS social agenda of returning America to the society of the 1940’s/1950’s.

  31. The Koch Brothers’ father was a founder of the John Birch Society, so all you need to do is see what their agenda is to see if you agree with it.


    You might also look at the claims the founders of the JBS made against that “socialist” President Eisenhower and compare them with the claims against President Obama. In many cases all you need to do is change the name to update them.

  32. the hatred of President Obama

    This is where you go off the rails Thomas. It’s not hatred of Obama. It’s hatred of the policies destroying a country they love. You should have heard them standing up, clapping and cheering during the Palin documentary, out now, whenever Sarah expressed that love in speeches.

    Obama’s apology tour was a complete and absolute embarrassment.

  33. Ken,

    What would you expect the Palin Cult to do? And who but the Palin Cult would pay to see it? She is milking her followers for all they are worth.

    I wonder how many of her followers voted for Senator McCain, or even voted in the last election.

  34. Its only there because the Tea Party choose not to raise it.

    So in your view no debt ceiling should ever exist? Why does it if you expect it to always be raised with a rubber stamp?

    She is milking her followers for all they are worth.

    So she’s a commie now? She passed some law saying they must buy a movie ticket whether they see the movie or not? …because some people can’t afford movie tickets so the rich have to subsidize them… movie tickets are a sacred right the government must protect. It lowers the cost of movie tickets if we force everyone to buy one. Individuals are not smart enough to make their own choices regarding how to spend their money.

    Free enterprise is evil… we need to force the evil rich to provide for the idiot masses (in Obama’s view) so they can continue give Obama and cronies more power.

    It reminds me of that Zorro movie, where the bad guy (Obama) is telling the crowds on landing on the shore of Mexico he will save them from the evil land barons (his actual supporters.)

  35. Carl,

    Your focus on the term “voluntary” illustrates well the problem with discussing anything with TP/JBS followers. As Ayn Rand pointed out, we always have choices, so you may argue its still a ‘voluntary” decision to comply when someone is pointing a gun to your head. But its not is it?

    But in terms of the successful operation of markets, one key is information and what information, or misinformation, the banks provided at the time of the mortgage or in the derivative investments they were selling. Another is in terms of bargaining equity when an individual is deal with a big bank and a third are options, choices, they may have. The robo signing scandal and the many fines the major banks have received under existing laws are a good indication, and how ineffective they are because of the size of the banks, are a good indication of the need for more regulation for banks. The fact that Savings and Loans and Credit Unions, which were no deregulated, played only a minor role and came through the meltdown with minimum impact is another indication of the root of the problem and how to fix it.

  36. Ken,

    [[[So in your view no debt ceiling should ever exist? Why does it if you expect it to always be raised with a rubber stamp?]]]

    I guess I am one of those capitalist radicals who believe the market should determine it by raising the interest rates from among the world’s lowest to a much higher one.

    The fact that 35 countries have higher national debt to GDP ratios indicates that will be a ways into the future.

    [[[She is milking her followers for all they are worth.

    So she’s a commie now?]]]

    Where do you get commie from that statement? Or do only commies have followers in your world view?

  37. Thomas, I can actually agree with you about a debt ceiling if adults were in charge. The reason it exists is because on some level they realized that’s not the case. People capable of restraint with other peoples money wouldn’t need an artificial device like a debt ceiling. They would borrow only in certain cases and not ‘just because…’

    higher national debt to GDP ratios

    It’s not just a question of can it be sustained. It’s a question of opportunity cost. Didn’t your mother ever ask you, “If Johnny jumped off a bridge…?”

    Where do you get commie?

    Sarah believes in free enterprise. Free enterprise means individuals making individual decisions. You describe free individuals as being milked. You milk cows and Marxist drones. You have a tendency to view people through a very warped filter. You seem to consider anyone but yourself, Captain of the Asimov Habitat, esq., to be a drone.

    There is a problem with the Tea Party (now I’ve got your attention) it’s demographic is largely older and wiser than Obama’s demographic (College professors and the drones they produce… you can get a college student to believe anything.) We’ve got to do a better job of educating the young before handing them a voting lever. Or, raise the voting age to give them time to acquire a bit more life experience.

  38. I left out govt. employee drones. Since it’s clearly a conflict of interest, they should have the vote taken away. Unions also have a conflict of interest… away with their vote…

    Since that is a fantasy, I fear the tipping point was reached a long, long time ago. We are watching a slow motion collapse that will have to be rebuilt only after (if ever.)

    Wait… I didn’t include a sexist remark yet…

    Women and men are different (that alone will get me in a lot of trouble, but there’s more.)

    Real men respect and defend woman. (Bill Maher should spend five minutes alone with a real man.) Women defend their home and children. These are not absolutes of course. Men and women are different not just physically. They’re wisdom is tuned to their roles. It’s much easier for a woman to accept the nanny state than for a man. This is very evident in voting patterns. I think I’d have to limit voting to woman that read Rand’s blog! (more fantasy, but I’m allowed.)

  39. Ken,

    Your views illustrate well the danger the TP/JBS presents to American. Rather then let the markets decide financial issues and all Americans vote you wish to limit it to a very select “party” of “wise men and women”. If you read any history that sounds very much what others have argued in the past for nations like Germany and Russia – Only the “pure and noble” should govern…

    How Sarah Palin is milking her followers is no different then how any other cult leader works their followers, finding new schemes to separate them from their money. Which is why she will not run for President, it would conflict too much with her milking them for her partying.

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