2 thoughts on “Project Gunwalker”

  1. Someone should start a rumor that Bush started this program. Perhaps then the media would dig into it.

  2. If the media thought Bush was in any way involved, they’d be showing hundreds of interviews with the weeping widows and orphans along with the crazy-maze conspiracy charts linking everything back to Haliburton, Donald Rumsfeld, the DoD, Big Oil, and the White House, and they would beat it like a drum even if it didn’t make a lick of sense.

    This story isn’t waiting for a Woodward and Bernstein because it’s already so far past that point. We’re now into the confessions of a complete cover-up at the highest levels, stonewalling, and smoking gun documents, so the media’s silence is like not saying a peep about Watergate even as John Dean sang like a bird and everyone talked about the 18 minute gap.

    Perhaps a more apt comparison would be Iran Contra, which was a media feeding frenzy. But even that fails, since it was a feeding frenzy even though the goal was freeing hostages held by Islamic terrorists (as opposed to stripping away the Constitutional rights of Americans) and delivering guns to Contras, our allies against an oppressive Marxist regime (as opposed to supplying unlimited weapons to narco-terrorist drug lords who kill Americans and sell cocaine to school-kids).

    Perhaps the media is afraid of how this story will play in Peoria, because it’s so horrifying that it would give any hardcore union member (at least one with a gun rack) or church lady pause about pulling the ‘D’ lever ever again.

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