More Rubes Self Identifying

I think that these GOP donors are an excellent example of the old saying about the rapid separation of fools and their money:

Cry me a river. They looked at Obama’s Harvard law degree and that sharp pant crease and thought he was one of them, or at least more so than that uncredentialed piece of Wasilla trash, with all her vulgar “you betchas” and excessive children, including that embarrassing baby she doted on. And these snobs, instead of apologizing for contributing to the downfall of America, have the nerve to complain about “class warfare.”

It’s people like them that help make class warfare look attractive.

9 thoughts on “More Rubes Self Identifying”

  1. Not that YOU would ever, you know, post something that reeked of intellectual snobbery and elitism.

  2. They’re complaining about class warfare? Hahahaha! That’s hilarious. Look in a mirror, you arrogant coastal bigots.

    I suppose the funniest part is that this “great-chain-of-being” game that they play, with subhuman proles from flyover country reminded to stay in their place at the bottom, is something that they will always lose to the more insular, arrogant, and deluded left in the end. It doesn’t matter how much they mistreat those embarrasing people that vote for them – all that does is make them a more attractive target for similar treatment by someone else who wants to place himself higher on the ladder.

    The people who win those social games are the ones that manage to be the most cruel, arrogant, and self-deluded. Why play? It’s more appropriate (if it even was then) for a kindergarten class.

  3. It is interesting how so many people viewed the election between Obama and Palin. So many people on the left would say that Palin was not qualified to be president and not even understand that she was the VP candidate.

    Also, looks like McCain is still alive and doing well so the whole agism line of attack looks to be just that an agism attack.

  4. It never ceases to amaze me that so many people claimed Palin was unqualified to be vice president (only a heart beat away from the presidency!) but never batted a eye about Amtrak Joe Biden. Palin had more executive experience than Obama, Biden and McCain combined.

  5. What I still find odd is the fact that the left itself kept focusing on Palin’s lack of qualifications, which highlighted Obama’s lack of qualifications. I’m still surprised that he was able to win after so many missteps in his campaign.

  6. Palin today still has more executive experience than Obama will have at the end of his presidency. Everybody go see “The Undefeated.” It probably doesn’t have many facts that readers of this blog don’t already know. The reason to go is to watch the audience reaction.

  7. There’s one line missing from the Great Rube Self-Identification:
    “Gee, looks like those Republicans were right about Obama and the Democrats all along!”

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