9 thoughts on “Government Gunrunning Gets Weirder”

  1. The LA Times had a decent story on it today.

    Yeah, I’m not surprised — Darrell Issa was KFI yesterday. They couldn’t ignore it after that.

  2. This alone should bring down this administration. This should be front page news everywhere. Giving military arms to a border state while working to disarm citizens… I guess this proves this administrations patriotic american credentials which no one can question.

    Let the guns are evil crowd rationalize this.

  3. “This alone should bring down this administration.”

    It won’t.

    “Let the guns are evil crowd rationalize this.”

    They don’t have to if no one hears of it. And almost no one has or will.

  4. “This alone should bring down this administration.”

    Boy, are you an optimist. Look! Rupert Murdoch!

    Honestly, I can’t understand how the MSM still has such a stranglehold over peoples’ minds, given all the alternative sources of information available today.

  5. “They don’t have to if no one hears of it. And almost no one has or will.”

    If they continue to ingore it, it will erupt at a time and place not of their chosing.

    I guarentee you a Rick Perry will use this against Obama next year and the media will NOT be able to ignore that.

  6. Well, Jay, having come up in a ghetto community ravaged by both the Wars on Poverty and Drugs, I certainly take away that lesson, but that doesn’t count for much, I suppose.

  7. Just up on Fox, two convicted felons from Phoenix were allowed to buy hundreds of guns as part of Fast and Furious. Unlike a person with a clean record who a store owner might only suspect is a straw purchaser, these two shouldn’t have been allowed to buy a gun at all, with felony convictions for burglary, trafficking stolen property, etc.

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