2 thoughts on “A Societal Sea Change”

  1. So, if the Smurfs are the communists, and Gargamel is the evil capatilist, aka the Koch Brothers; then that must make the cat a wingnut Tea Party/John Birch Society member that sees a socialist commie bastard behind every rock. Otherwise, the cat is oblivious to the mistreatment by his evil fat cat overlord whom he still shows great affection toward as long as the milk continues to flow. I think I’m starting to get a hang of Matula’s game now. 🙂

  2. Racist Smurfs!

    But seriously . . .

    You sort of took the words out of my mouth (or typewriter), Josh. When I saw there was already one comment posted I figured it must be Thomas (“Brain Trust”) Matula accusing the Smurfs of being John Birchers or paid lackeys of the Koch Brothers.

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