11 thoughts on “Hypocrisy, Irony”

  1. The new incivility will be mentioning facts…

    “How bad must it be when banks don’t want your money”

    ‘China tells U.S. “good old days” of borrowing are over’

  2. The nice thing about this is my liberal retired IRS neighbor has stopped sending me emails with URLs bemoaning lack of civility by Tea Party folks and evil Republicans

  3. Perhaps we should show them what being uncivil really means. If they call us to our faces terrorists, racists, etc. we either:

    1. Sue them for slander, or

    2. Punch them in the face, hard and repeatedly.

    Either way, they’ll learn that words not only have meaning, they can have consequences.

  4. Larry,

    Given how Tea Party ignores the Constitution they claim to worship I guess your ignoring the First Amendment shouldn’t be surprising.

  5. Matula, which of Larry’s proposed responses constitutes a violation of First Amendment rights?”

    Think carefully, now (you might want to stretch first).

  6. Thomas, the First Amendment gives us all (me included) freedom of speech but it doesn’t mean there is freedom from the consequences of what we say or write. There are laws against slander and libel, something you should think about when you keep up with your idiotic “Tea Party = John Birch Society” lies. Also, it was none other than Obama himself who said “Punch back twice as hard.” Should you call me a racist or terrorist, you can expect to be hearing from my lawyer. Should you say it to my face, you can expect a bloody nose. What apart of that don’t you understand?

  7. Larry,

    Sorry, the the standard for libel is not met with the Tea Party and John Birch Society connection post I make. The links I noted are documented, as well as the campaigning of candidates like Sharon Angle at JBS events. The fact that most involved with the Tea Party are unaware of this history is unfortunate, which is why its important they hear about it.

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