57 thoughts on “But Don’t Call Him A Fascist”

  1. “It’s a crime against humanity that Guantanamo Bay is still open can’t hold more people!”

  2. Had Moore said this when it was discovered that the AAA-rated mortgage-backed securities were junk, he might’ve had a case. Now though? Not so much.

  3. Wasn’t it Moody’s that did most of those CDO ratings?

    In any case, it might be instructively amusing to ask Moore what he thinks the charge should be for these arrests – or if he doesn’t think one is strictly necessary….

    (But it probably wouldn’t be, since Moore’s demonstrably an idiot.)

  4. Michael Moore says that the president should arrest the head of Standard and Poors.

    …and they should also round up and arrest anyone who is gay (and conservative), the overly religious (except Muslims) or anyone mentally incompetent (without a voter card), gypsies (they travel too much to vote), artists (who aren’t leftists), anyone who is disabled (who isn’t a leftist), anyone who is a teacher unwilling to teach ‘real’ history, or anyone who refuses to swear allegiance to the President!!

    They should build ‘compounds’ to hold these people.

    Those arrested should be denied ownership of real estate or businesses.

    AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, all Tea Party members should be required to wear a Tea Bag or some sort of symbol on their outer clothing so that they can be easily identified!

    I think I may have found a ‘Final Solution’ Mr. Moore would support!
    I am continually amazed at how bold these people are getting. Moore is sending the message that ANYONE who dare mess with HIS, or Obama, et al’s, ideals should be locked up. Obama, last week or the week before, told La Raza that HE should make ALL our government decisions to solve the economic problems. Geitner said this morning that we just need to print more money!

    And the MSM blames the Tea Party, day after day, after day, after day.

    If even ONE media outlet, non-Fox that is, if even ONE media outlet would point out that THIS Emperor has NO clothes, he’d probably wind up being impeached for all his over reaching of Presidential powers.

    Either way we go, I personally do NOT think we will see the return of our old clout or financial status in my lifetime. If Obama is re-elected, I doubt my greart-grandchildren will even BE called Americans.

    Or if they are, it will not be as members of a 50 state United States. I think at least 2 states would bolt. TX and AK.

  5. Moore should be arrested for crimes against public health, and sent to an intensive ‘re-education’ camp until his BMI is reduced below 25…..

    For his own good, of course…

  6. I think MM is on to something. Let’s arrest all of congress for sedition. Hey, we’ll give them blindfolds when we line ’em up on the wall. Unfortunately, a last request is out of the question. They haven’t shown much judgement…

  7. So perceptive Thomas …MM hates our country …SP loves our country. MM is a n ugly fat hater of liberty. SP is a beautiful lover of freedom.

    Thank you Thomas for being so clever.

  8. We’ve got a distressing number of people in this country that seem fine with authoritarianism. What’s even more troubling is that they seem to think that they can control an authoritarian government. Honestly, it’s hard not to go Godwin with such thinking, as a lot of people believing they could use the Nazis to achieve their own ends helped foist one of the worst governments of all time on the world.

  9. It’s the 57 Islamic states of Amerikka. Der Schtumpy, that’s just crazy talk.

    I’m so glad we have a solution… high speed rail!

  10. We’ve got a distressing number of people in this country that seem fine with authoritarianism.

    No kidding. But you only had to read the political opinion pages of the large college student newspapers in the early 70s to know where we were heading.

  11. Michael Moore is to Democrats what Sarah Palin is to the Republicans 🙂

    A rallying point? The purest expression of their beliefs and goals? Their biggest cheerleader (though in Mikey’s case it’s literal as well as figurative)?

    Damn, Matula said something I agree with. I feel ill…

  12. Ken,

    Nope. Both Michael Moore and Sarah Palin are in the business of making stupid statements to get press coverage and make money. The difference is Michael Moore’s followers know he’s a clown whereas Sarah Palin’s followers actually take her seriously.

  13. As long as folks are bringing up the Nazi’s its interesting how they would claim that anyone who disagreed with them didn’t love Germany or were not true Germans. Sound familiar?

    BTW that is one of the touchstones in determining how authoritative a group is.

  14. As long as folks are bringing up the Nazi’s its interesting how they would claim that anyone who disagreed with them didn’t love Germany or were not true Germans. Sound familiar?

    Come to think of it, yes it does. Just like the people calling Tea Party supporters terrorist because they don’t agree with them. Holy shit, JP you’re right! It’s like he’s making sense today. It gets your head spinning.

  15. “they would claim that anyone who disagreed with them didn’t love Germany or were not true Germans. Sound familiar? ”

    Ya, it sounds like Obama, DWS, Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of their fellow travelers.

    The disturbing trend has been for Democrats to branch out and say that people are not true Christians if they do not support the Democrat platform.

  16. Michael Moore is to Democrats what Sarah Palin is to the Republicans

    The living embodiment of their most cherished ideals? I could support that.

    Democrats want control of everyone’s lives, have zero tolerance for dissent from orthodoxy, harbor kind feelings for murderous dictators like Fidel and Hugo, who hate their country, and are willing to lie and smear in order to gull the weak-minded into supporting their hare-brained economic theories. That’s why Michael Moore gets seated next to former Presidents at Democratic conventions and retains a loyal following.

    On the other hand, Republicans admire rugged individuals who can live off of bountiful nature, whose lives express the sanctity of life, intolerant of corruption, who despise dictators like Fidel and Hugo, who are not so gripped by ambition that they consider their own careers above the welfare of their states, who love their country, who speak truth to power and who, by the way, are hell on wife-beaters. That’s why Sarah Palin was chosen to be a Vice Presidential nominee and retains a loyal following.

  17. Sarah Palin’s followers actually take her seriously. …because she is.

    Thomas, why aren’t you defending Sarah when people lie about her? What is it? I can respect you having contrary opinions. That gives you no reason to trash a decent person. If someone calls her stupid it tells us all we need to know about the caller. I don’t completely agree with Sarah but she’s earned respect and I will defend her honor.

    MM is a clown (we agree) and the left knows it? (Do they?) These are the same people that get their news from Jon Stewart.

  18. I’d say that anyone that says they hate America, want to see the US defeated in battle, want to see the US government overthrown by force and the Constitution (as written) replaced with a form of government that doesn’t really represent the core values of the Founders, doesn’t love America.

    But that’s just me.

  19. What’s rich is we are the ones who have constantly pointed out to Thomas that he continually employs the “No true Scotsman” fallacy. Yet here he is trying to turn it on it’s head back against us. My he must be bristling with pride with himself right now. Which is sorta point and order for most Michael Moore followers cuz *wink wink* they are just like so much smarter than all of the low sloping forehead people living in middle America and stuff, like you know??1?

  20. Leland,

    Except that Vice-President never called the Tea Party terrorists. Claiming folks made statements they didn’t make to mobilze their base was another tactic the Nazi excelled in.

  21. Big D,

    Given how the Tea Party just trashed the economy to gain political points with their base shows just how much they love America.

  22. Thanks for proving my point by proving how much in denial the Tea Party is on Sarah Palin.

    Picking Sarah Palin to run with him as Vice-President was Senator McCain’s senior moment and it cost him the election.

  23. Trumka says the Tea Party is trying to destroy America.

    And muggers say that the people who file charges against their kind foster civil unrest.

    (Not quite apples-for apples. Trumka isn’t a mugger – he employs muggers.)

  24. Claiming folks made statements they didn’t…

    “I can see Russia from my porch” – Tina Fey (not Sarah.)

    “You can see Russia from Alaska” – a fact, from Sarah.

    it cost him the election

    Yeah, by increasing donations to his campaign and the only time he was ahead of Obama in the polls. Perhaps trashing his own VP pick was not a genius move on his part.

    Sarah got blind sided by Couric. Most people that have met Sarah are very impressed by her intelligence. But Couric had a goal and tape to edit. Have you seen the latest pic Time chose for their cover of Bachmann? That could happen to anybody. She did vastly better with Gibson, but that’s not the idiot medias slant. She actually understood and explained international law that Charlie obviously didn’t have a clue about.

    What idiot would believe that Sarah is not well read? Hey, they have TVs in backward Alaska too. Color even. The fact is, if you listen carefully to what she says (I prefer the text) she is Einstein compared to the idiots that interview her. She does have a strange way of delivering fact, but the facts are there (for anyone w/o an agenda to see.)

    But don’t that spoil an effective media lie.

  25. “Given how the Tea Party Obama just trashed the economy to gain political points with their his base shows just how much theyhe loves America.”

  26. You know what, Matula? You’re pointless. Your presence on this blog is pointless. All you do is write borderline paranoid garbage about the Tea Party being in cahoots with the John Birch Society — which organization hasn’t been relevant to anyone’s radar since Mannix went off the air. Do you even know what century this is? No one even knew the Birchers were still around (all four of them, and their giant coffee urn and mimeographed pamphlets left over from the Nixon-McGovern campaign) until you brought them up. Sometimes I think you are working for them, and this is some sort of weird ad campaign.

    And then we come to your weird, creepy Sarah Palin fixation. No one even mentioned her until YOU did. You just can’t keep your mind off her, can you? You’re always bringing her up. You have some sort of sickly obsession with Palin. Is it because she’s a woman? And you never have anything of substance to say about her — just variations on the tired, juvenile, zombieleft slam that she’s “stupid” and an “embarrassment.” Are we in high school? Do you really think the people who comment here are the sort of people who care about being cool and popular? Because that’s what your puerile attacks on the Tea Party and Sarah Palin come down to.

    Your contributions, for what of a better word, to these threads are certainly not enlightening, definitely not interesting, and they aren’t even entertaining. I’ll tell you what they are: they’re irritating (and no, not in an interesting way that “makes you think” but in the way a canker sore is irritating), they’re enervating, and ultimately, they’re depressing. They’re designed to destroy comment threads by making people turn away in disgust. I’m turning away in disgust. I’ve had it with you.

  27. “Given how the Tea Party just trashed the economy to gain political points with their base shows just how much they love America.’

    Obama got his extension he said he had to have to save us from the downgrade or HE would trash the economy by veto. More Democrats voted against the deal in the House than Republicans. You need to quit cutting and pasting those emails from the DNC.

  28. Wow. I’m trying to decide whether he really *is* that delusional (next: Bush destroyed the economy to make his oil buddies rich!), or if he’s just the biggest troll on the site.

  29. “You know what, Matula? You’re pointless. Your presence on this blog is pointless.”

    I give him some props for arguing his views in a place where not many agree. Even if part of it is poking the beehive, at times it makes for interesting string of comments to read.

    The only other way to stay up to date on what Palin detractors think, is to hang out in the comments at FARK.

  30. We used to have higher quality trolls on this site. Matula isn’t even up to the level of pathetic.

  31. Wodun,

    Also it shows others reading this blog that not everyone blindly agrees with Rand, which is important given how the blogsphere allows individuals to cluster around those with similar beliefs to encourage extreme forms of “group think”. Actually that is probably one of the factors that has led to the political dysfunction that scares S&P as noted in their report.

  32. “…with this picture of her reading their magazine…”

    I hope people note that Thomas Matula is known to have shared images from New American, the house organ of the Birch Society. Obviously, he is a member in good standing of the far looney right wing fringe.

    On the other hand, Photoshop is an amazing tool (as are some people).

  33. So the blog-o-sphere is responsible for the S&P downgrade? Wow! Good thing they didn’t have blogs back in 1860. Could you imagine what might have happened then?

  34. Mr. Matula,

    I know of people who have read both Mein Kampf, and Das Kapital. Are they a Nazi or a Marxist? I assume that you believe those to be diametrically opposed political philosophies.

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