When Did Holder Know?

I think that it’s equally impossible to conceive that Obama didn’t know about Gunwalker. Of course, that’s partly because I agree with some of the commenters — this was never an operation that “went south” (well, it did literally, but not figuratively). It did exactly what it was intended to do all along. What’s amazing is that they thought they could get away with it. But actually, given how supine the gun-hating Obama-loving media has been on the story, they may well have gotten away with it had the Republicans not taken back the House.

3 thoughts on “When Did Holder Know?”

  1. It went south only in regard to being made public. Otherwise it was just peachie. What could go wrong with giving criminals guns and watching them kill Americans.

    Nothing is an impeachable offense anymore.

  2. If the GOP can manage to turf out Obama in 2012, we can expect the autopens to be smoking in the White House right up to inauguration morning turning out pardons for his cronies, including Holder. Fortunately, even a pardon won’t prevent the next administration from honoring the extradition request from Mexico.

  3. You are on to something there Jim. Regardless of the results of an election we still have ’em in the country causing trouble. But if we could deport them to countries demanding they be put on trial…

    You might have just come up with the only long term solution for fixing this nation. We’ve absolutely got to take power away from juveniles (I don’t care what party they are a member of.)

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