14 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian”

  1. If Bachmann went too far in suggesting $2 a gas, then I’d suggest your somewhere further away in suggesting Kardashian for President. It may be easy to find someone better than Obama, but we could and should set the bar higher than Obama. If that is the bar, we might as well ask Jimmah to come back for a second term.

  2. Why don’t we drive around town after garbage day. Those that bring in their trash promptly are proven to be more responsible than our current leaders.

  3. I did go to the link. If it is tongue and cheek, that would be one thing. But the suggestion is that because she paid for her own wedding, she has thus created more jobs than Obama and is more worthy to be President. I’m not impressed.

    As for her looks, I’ve seen them on display when she participated in Dancing with the Stars (which is apparently more knowledge of Kardashian than Andrew Klaven’s). She may be appealing to the eye, but she seemed stiff with the charm of a tree. I wish her well in her marriage, and I suspect she’ll make it last longer than most Hollywood marriages.

  4. The running mate will be decided by a reality show. The candidates will live in a house together for six months and the winner will be decided by text message votes from the audience. All the fees from the text messages will go into the campaign fund to support the duo in the general election.

  5. OK, I’ll bite, how did he get this far WITHOUT having knowledge of the Kardashians shoved down his throat!? I wanna live where he does!

    And she not only created more jobs than Obama, et al, she has companies paying HER to do so. Odumbo spent a coupl’a trillion $$$ and got squat for it!

  6. The running mate will be decided by a reality show.

    They’ll call it “Who Wants to Be Vice President?” — and then they’ll have to explain it’s not a rhetorical question.

  7. Had the author known more about Kim Kardashian, he could’ve gone further to point out that she’s far more post-racial than Obama, who offers the illusion of racial forgiveness and then ends up in a beer summit after trashing a Harvard cop for being white, etc, etc, etc X 5.

    It’s kind of horrifying, but comparing the President of the United States to Kim Kardashian on almost any criteria leaves Kim the clear winner, and she hangs with Britney Spears and Lindsey Loan.

    Face it. We’ve elected ignorant trash and his trash friends. They’ve all had their ticket punched at elite universities but then again, smarter, more capable and far more talented trash is endorsed by Hollywood media. What’s more, these tabloid covers occassionally say things that are actually thoughtworthy, instead of a emoting a string of banalities worn and sappy enough to roll eyes at a junior high church camp.

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