7 thoughts on “More Earthquake Damage”

  1. Not many people know that the Washington Monument is basically a carefully balanced bunch of stone slabs, not even held by mortar. It’s basically a giant Jenga game, sitting on one of the few outcroppings of rock.

  2. Let this be a warning to Obama — let my people go or suffer the plagues of frogs, boils, rivers of blood, locusts, welfare recipients, the unemployed, Jersey Shore

  3. The “Washington monument is tilting” story originated with a comment by a Capitol Hill police officer.

    Since most police officers are not structural engineers, I take this story with a grain of salt.

  4. Some of might know I am an active Episcopalian who lives in the Maryland suburbs of DC. I am OK. My house also appears in good shape. Here’s a link to the Washington National Cathedral web site.

    They are already reporting significant damage.

    I did some photography of our annual convention in January. You can see my photos of the event on my Flickr account of Chuck Divine. Yes, the photos are very much people photos. I think I have some photos around that are of the Cathedral from a few years ago that I did for art reasons. I’ll try to find them and post them as well. If possible, I will try to get over to the Cathedral in the next several days and do some photography.

    This damage really affects me and quite a few others.

    I think people on this blog would really appreciate and enjoy the annual Independence Day concert at the Cathedral. If you are in town on July 4th, stop by for the 11 AM concert. It is free.

  5. “It’s kind of metaphorical, on the state of our faith and nation, isn’t it?”

    Sort of like Carter’s killer rabbit, if you think about it. Now, if we can only get the meme going…

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