One thought on “The Catastrophic Hidden Costs Of The Obama Reign”

  1. Rand: we could refer to the “reign” of the Cheney/Bush Administration from 2001-04, due to the interference of the USSC in the state’s electoral process in Florida. (They violated their own so-called “principles” to do it!)
    But this President was elected through proper Constitutional process. If you call it a “reign”, then you are failing to respect our Constitution.

    I do agree that there are hidden costs. He’s been entirely too respectful of the inside crew on Wall Street, like the Rockefeller Republican that he truly is. That is costing our middle class and the real business sector, every day.

    Sadly, the freak show on the GOP side is not offering anything better. Romney is about to be ripped to shreds by the Hezbollah, and Perry is a religious nut and a disloyal secessionist.

    What a way to run a country!

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