6 thoughts on “The Empire Strikes Back”

  1. NASA should be used as “the” example of how the present corrupt US government operates. It’s relatively simple example while also avoiding the “for the children” emotional protective camouflage.

  2. “…while also avoiding the “for the children” emotional protective camouflage.”

    Don’t be so sure. I can almost hear:

    “But, but, we MUST build the Space Launch System, so that NASA can go beyond LEO, and INSPIRE THE CHILDREN…!”

    At that developmental rate, maybe the *next* generation of them, anyway…

  3. Wanna inspire kids in STEM? Give them better odds of going to space themselves, better odds than the Powerball lottery, anyhow. Creating a transportation bottleneck actively prevents that possobility.

  4. Hear, hear. Apollo showed us how long ‘inspiration’ and public support last. Were it not for ‘the problem,’ Apollo 13 would have already reached the ‘ho-hum’ stage (and that was really the wrong kind of attention), and attention spans are, if anything, shorter today.

    There are those who still see ‘inspiration’ in aviation, but there’s a reasonable chance of being part of it, whether commercial, military or civil, even if not as pilot or crew. Space flight (I very deliberately did not say ‘space exploration,’ which is and will increasingly be but a subset of the former) needs to reach that stage, ASAP…

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