The Love Is Gone

This sort of encapsulates the sort of insanity that swept the nation three years ago:

This week, with the jobless rate stuck above 9 percent and the president’s nationwide approval rating at its lowest level, the Vineyard’s broad allegiance shows cracks, leaving some islanders with a more textured, even tormented feeling about the president.

I just have to say I feel really uncomfortable, because I love loving him,’’ said Leslie Pearlson, a real estate broker on the island.

Res ipsa loquitur.

7 thoughts on “The Love Is Gone”

  1. Yep, that’s slobber on her chin.

    Or is it? I wonder if Leslie has a royal blue dress hanging in the back of her closet!?

    I wonder if Pearlson knows Linda Tripp?

  2. Even harsh economic disaster still fails to alter these moonbats world view. Heading down to my oceanfront Cape Cod cottage saturday. If I wash away in the storm let it at least take the Vineyards with it. I’ll make the sacrifice for my country.

  3. I read an article last week about how Obama’s latest vacation is causing disruptions in aircraft operations around Martha’s Vineyard. The article mentioned how hundreds of private jets were disrupted due to the temporary restricted airspace extending many miles around the area. In typical class-envy style, the article poo-pooed the complaints.

    However, it overlooked the other side of those restrictions. There are businesses at the airports that provide fuel, maintenance and other services to those hundreds of aircraft. Those businesses employ people and pay taxes. Typical of those who practice class envy, they overlook the hardships on people who actually work for a living.

  4. “because I love loving him,’’ said Leslie Pearlson”

    That’s right, Leslie. It’s all about you.


  5. “Typical of those who practice class envy, they overlook the hardships on people who actually work for a living.”

    Overlook, hell, Larry. They don’t care.

  6. For a party that claims to be for the “little people” (a very condescending term, by the way) and the “working man,” they seldom miss an opportunity to dump on them.

    Maybe they never outgrew the childish “stick it to the man!” attitude of their young adolescence (as opposed to their continued adolescence), but they seem oblivious to the harm they do to working people. If you claim to love me, love my boss. If you destroy my job with your regulations, you sure as hell aren’t doing me any favors. Go feel good about yourself on your own dime and leave me the hell alone.

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