8 thoughts on “The Most Unfairly Vilified Person In America”

  1. The difference is attacks on Cheney are actually about Bush. Attacks on Sarah were just about her.

    To villify is to be vicious. It isn’t even close. The attacks on Sarah were intentionally vicious and personal. Nobody called Cheney an imbecile.

  2. ken anthony: I’m not sure that I’d agree with your point fully. I think it depends whether or not it’s worse to be considered stupid or whether it’s worse to be considered evil. No one called Cheney an imbecile, but they routinely called him evil, mean-spirited, and a whole host of other similar sorts of insults. By that type of logic, in the imagination of the left, Cheney was arguably viewed as being worse than Palin because he couldn’t claim any level of innocence by way of an incapacity to understand his decisions.

    Perhaps what you’re getting at, though, is that while the left hated Cheney, they had some respect for him because they knew he had a certain level of competence, intelligence and knowledge. They have no respect whatsoever for Sarah Palin, though.

  3. I think it depends whether or not it’s worse to be considered stupid or whether it’s worse to be considered evil.

    Is it better to be under-estimated or over-estimated by one’s opponents?

  4. Stupid or evil… a difficult choice. Some would consider it an honor to be thought of as evil… especially since those calling others evil have no sense of what evil is.

    I just want to see all the heads explode when Sarah puts her hand on that bible.

  5. An aside to the link but still on the topic of Cheney vilification, most people will never know how much Gov. Blanco hurt the recovery and rebuilding of her state because she refused to allow any state contracts to go to Halliburton/KBR. Her state’s largest economic engine is lying in ruins and the most important thing to her was the continued vilifying of Cheney and a company where he no longer worked.

    TPM and Infowars still have records of their issues with KBR winning a contract to rebuild the naval base near New Orleans. How dare a company where Cheney once worked be allowed to bid on and win a contract? Billions spent on the recovery of New Orleans, and they can’t abide a $33 million contract going to something associated with Cheney’s past.

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