Operation Gunwalker

…explodes into the heartland:

what Codrea has dubbed as “Gangwalker” appears to be another attempt to provide guns to criminals in order to generate more gun crime and then more calls for gun control.

The biggest difference between the two operations at this early date only seems to be that Gangwalker is a purposeful attempt to create the deaths of American citizens in order to pursue the administration’s fanatical anti-gun agenda.

American deaths, for political gain.

Think about that claim for a minute, and what that would mean.

Operation Fast and Furious (and the suspected operations in Texas and Florida) was reprehensible and more than likely calculated to raise the level of violence in Mexico, sacrificing the lives of law enforcement officers, soldiers, and civilians in order to pursue a policy goal. It wasn’t until an American agent died that whistleblowers finally arose and cried out. It was as if Mexican lives meant less than American lives … and in this sick political calculus, maybe that was exactly the mindset.

But if Gangwalker is what it appears to be, then we are staring down a president, attorney general, secretary of Homeland Security, and key members of the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security gone entirely rogue.

If Gangwalker and Gunwalker are two sides of the same insidious coin, we’re looking at the very definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Yeah, but then I would have thought that perjury and subornation of perjury via threats and bribes by someone who swore to see that the laws were faithfully executed were as well…

22 thoughts on “Operation Gunwalker”

  1. More evidence of a thoroughly corrupt government. That we allow it indicates a corrupt electorate. We may just deserve the result.

    I’m not quite sure how I personally deserve the result, but it suggests I should be more of an irritant to those that have responsibility and aren’t doing anything positive or effective.

    My personal responsibility is to always look for ways to make things better. I’m not sure what to do about everybody else.

    I am just amazed that there is no general outrage. Tricky Dick wiped some tape. These guys kill Americans.

  2. Ya know, ken, you’re not supposed to just ignore the start of sentences like “if Gangwalker is what it appears to be”.. you’ve got the biggest confirmation bias of a human being I’ve ever met.

  3. It this were proven true, it would constitute nothing less that a genuine act or treason and an act of war against the American people.

  4. OTOH, my bias is irrelevant here. These accusations are serious enough to bring down this administration and the only reason for their use of weasel words is because it hasn’t gone to court. But you are absolutely right that I am no longer an objective observer. I hate the bad that is happening. I make no apology for that.

  5. I want to know why the Mexicans aren’t making a bigger deal out of this. They have been complaining about American guns in Mexico for years, and now that there is real evidence, not a peep.

  6. “I wish these folks would actually do some investigation and present evidence.”

    If Justice would provide the information Grassley and Issa are asking for, we might have some.

  7. Its not like the TSA needs to investigate or have evidence to legally sexually molest your daughter….

  8. Everyone’s daughters are sexually molested for the common good.

    *** Plays “A Girl from Ipenema” over the intercom while the Health and Mental Hygiene Teams converge on your location. ***

  9. The last time I had to invoke “The Girl from Ipenema” and call the men in white coats, I had the song stuck in my head for a week.

    Yet for some reason it’s the perfect song for the scene, much like the way a guy in a sweat band and exercise pants drinking beer on the couch will be gettting pumped to “Eye of the Tiger.”

    Hrm… Perhaps Eye of the Tiger can break your Ipenema lock!

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