The “War On Terror”

…is all about God:

…over hard history, we have learned that there are some struggles in which the evil of the fight itself supersedes the good of any potential victory. Faith is not knowledge; we should approach the super-natural with humility in our beliefs and forbearance towards the beliefs of others. And anyway, many cherished doctrines, no matter how deep or meaningful, don’t have much immediate effect on our lives. I believe that God is three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit — but if it turns out He’s five guys named Moe, I’m not going to change my weekend plans.

So we hate the idea of fighting a holy war. But we have no choice. No matter what moral knots some self-loathing westerners tie the facts into, the truth remains, the other bastards started it and now it’s on. Doesn’t matter how tolerant you think you are. Doesn’t matter how many “Coexist” bumper stickers you own. If a man with a gun kicks your door down and starts telling you how to pray, there are only two possible outcomes: victory or surrender.

Yes. It’s been obvious to me that we’re in a holy war for ten years now (and I suspected it for over thirty, since the Iranian revolution). This is also how the war on Israel has to be viewed to make any sense. And I say that as an agnostic, with no God in the fight (so to speak). But unlike the left, which sees Baptists as the worst people on earth, and as a child of the Enlightenment, I know who my enemy is.

4 thoughts on “The “War On Terror””

  1. Interesting way to make a movie.

    Smodcast is entertaining but fleshlights and pink limpys get old after a while.

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