9 thoughts on “Jenny McCarthyism”

  1. she has to be held to account for this nonsense

    She will by losing the primary, not that she wasn’t going to do that anyway. Jerry Pournelle called it correctly: the Blitzer was trolling and Bach took the bait…all over an issue that has nothing to do with the office they are seeking. That is the de facto function of these interminable “debates” — to see who is coolest under fire from the Leftist press: a value-adding activity, to be sure, yet not the ostensible purpose.

  2. Bachmann took both herself and Perry down. People are thinking Romney is unbeatable now. Make more popcorn. It ain’t over yet.

    The issue isn’t the vaccine. The issue is Perry’s actions as governor. A percentage of people that were on the Perry bandwagon have fallen off like those awakening to Obama.

    We don’t need no more stinkin’ messiahs, right or left.

  3. Perry missed an excellent opportunity in the debate. He should have said:

    “I recognize that I made a mistake. I rescinded the policy before it was implemented and I see no point in standing up here trying to defend it. Let’s talk about Romneycare instead.”

  4. The vaccine must be even more dangerous than Bachmann claimed, since it can even cause mental retardation in politicians who’ve heard about someone taking it. Not many vaccines can make that claim.

    However, another angle to the vaccine comes from an interesting and unexpected statistical result in studying throat cancer. Smoking, drinking, drinking hard liquor, and smoking and drinking hard liquor barely had any statistical effect on throat cancer rates, whereas HPV had a completely dominant effect (in both males and females). The researchers weren’t even looking for that link, but it popped up and stunned them.

    The human body doesn’t have all that many different tissue types, and cervical tissue is the same type as throat tissue, and HPV causes cancer in both. It’s also true that males are the carriers of HPV, and given their nature are almost certainly more responsible for spreading it. Since they also die of throat cancer from it, we should also vaccinate males against HPV. I asked my doctor if I could take the vaccine, and he declined as it was yet standard to give it to men.

  5. It’s a shame. I kind of liked Bachmann, but she pretty much torpedoed her Presidential bid with this incident. Oh well. I’d rather see her as Speaker of the House anyway. She’d be a definite improvement over Boehner.

    The larger question is: Why are the Republicans subjecting themselves to debates run by the likes of CNN and MSNBC? They shouldn’t give those “news” organizations the time of day, in my opinion.

    Furthermore, these modern so-called “debates” are a joke. The candidates trade talking points and soundbites while trying to evade “gotcha” questions from MSM reporters. Both Lincoln and Douglas are spinning in their graves.

  6. She’s also right that she says it one day and they are debating it the next. As long as Sarah keeps her statements defensible (rather than the SNL versions) she can avoid the Bachmann snafus.

    I don’t know what Sarah will be able to do, but the fact that she may take out both left and right elites has me on the edge of my seat. Just a couple of weeks or less before we know for sure if she’s in or out.

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