Won’t Get Fooled Again

Stanley Kurtz explains why yesterday’s New York election is so devastating to the Democrats’ hopes for next year:

Koch stands for those traditionalist Democrats who enthusiastically supported Barack Obama in 2008, sincerely believing his claim to be a post-partisan pragmatist and friend of Israel. These are the Democrats who discounted warnings based on Obama’s radical past, and put faith in his smooth assurances. Now that the mask has slipped, it will be tough to get it back on.

He’s lost them, and he’s not going to get them back. They may not necessarily support the Republican, but they’re not going to be sending any money to Obama, and they’re not going to work to reelect him.

One thought on “Won’t Get Fooled Again”

  1. The masked slipped during the Skip Gates affair, when all learned he was just another race-hustling, Chicago-style community organizer. Everything we’ve learned since has simply reinforced that.

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