17 thoughts on “More Americans Becoming Racist”

  1. The statistics indicate neutrality on the part of a significant number of those polled. I personally know of no one who doesn’t have a very strong opinion about the man — and that includes favorable opinions (I work in Washington DC, and am friends with people who were high up in his campaign). I just can’t see how there can be neutrality…unless it’s on the part of people who formerly loved him, and now are just afraid to admit that they no longer do…

  2. This will mean that the American People’s approval rating amongst Obama will also be dropping once again :(…………………..;)

  3. I still see cars with Obama bumper stickers. I give them a wide berth, as I assume that the drivers must be mentally retarded.

  4. No fries for you McGehee.

    The tingle is gone. I bet there will be a meeting of the minds and he will be LBJ’d.

  5. Let me be clear…My dismal approval numbers are simply a reflection of the Republican congresses’ refusal to instantly pass my jobs bill. I mean, how many times do I have to pound a podium and scream, “Pass this bill”. At the last secret jobs-bill brown-bag I had, Paul Ryan and Cantor played paper football with each other across the table instead of listening to my comprehensive tax increase packages. And I know they are listening to me, I can tell they’re listening to me. But Boehner just wants to sit there whistling some made up diddy and stare at the imaginary butterflies in the corner like I’m not even in the room. So I got up in disgust screaming that I was going to make a 1 hour and 30 minute infomercial to once again take my message to the people about how unfair everything is. But then I fell down and hit my disproportionately large head on the ground because Rubio had crawled up under the table and tied my shoe laces together. So, if it seems like I’ve been bitter at all lately it’s because everybody had been picking on me and it ain’t fair 🙁

  6. I’m pretty sure I don’t have any twins–good, sane, or otherwise. I’m too boring to be the evil one, and anyway I don’t have a goatee. I do have male pattern baldness–that’s kind of an inverse goatee, isn’t it? I’m not sure what it would signify.

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