CBS Is Finally Getting On The Case

I think that this is what one calls “a smoking gun”:

In secretly recorded conversations between two individuals deeply entwined in the ATF’s controversial “Fast and Furious” operation, the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is described as “collateral damage.”

The recordings were obtained exclusively by CBS News. The man who made them – Arizona gun dealer Andre Howard – ran the Lone Wolf Trading Company and was speaking with Hope MacAllister, the ATF operation’s case agent.

Two of the guns Howard sold while cooperating with the ATF that were later found at Terry’s murder.

“It happened. It’s terrible,” Howard said. “That’s life ok we move on.”

We move on, and try to cover it up, so we can keep doing it.

Imagine if this were a Republican White House.

4 thoughts on “CBS Is Finally Getting On The Case”

  1. Watch the DOJ prosecute the gun shop owner for ‘bugging’ his own place and for NOT telling the ATF guy!

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