6 thoughts on “Regulations Kill Jobs?”

  1. Don’t know if I can summon up too much sympathy for the financial industry but it is strange that there are prohibitions on having too much staff. Would be nice to know more about this particular regulation.

  2. “Don’t know if I can summon up too much sympathy for the financial industry”

    I think this highlights one of the important problems that drives all of this collectivist idiocy – no one can summon up any sympathy for cartoon villains. They are outside the sphere of human empathy, there is no justice for them, they deserve everything and anything they get.

    Only they aren’t cartoon villains in real life, outside the warped bubble that politics creates – they are people running complex businesses that provide vital economic services. When they screw up, we feel it, because of the *loss of the service they were providing*. If we hung them all from lampposts tomorrow and burnt the banks, the result would not be economic utopia.

  3. If we hung them all from lampposts tomorrow and burnt the banks, the result would not be economic utopia.

    I’m willing to try it with bureaucrats and politicians. We have a lot of underutilited lampposts around here. It would stimulate the roap industry, too.

  4. I highly recommend following the story to the Forbes link at the bottom of the article. Of course, what he’s saying makes way too much sense to ever get enacted by this Administration or Congress (especially the Senate).

  5. “If we hung them all from lampposts tomorrow and burnt the banks, the result would not be economic utopia.”

    I don’t think anyone is saying that we don’t need banks but some of the big banks helped get us into the economic situation we are in today. The financial sector got a massive bailout and has not shown any gratitude or humility.

    Look at BoA who is currently jacking up all of their fees and not too long ago was engaging in mortgage and foreclosure fraud. So ya, it is hard to muster up sympathy for the financial industry.

    Our financial industry has some major issues that need addressed and there is nothing animated about it.

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