5 thoughts on “Attack Watch”

  1. AttackWatch AttackWatch.com
    “Opponents are using smears to undermine the success of President Obama’s auto rescue. Get the facts. ”

    That was the last tweet. It is a good thing Obama prevented GM from going bankrupt. Oh, they went bankrupt?

    Maybe this explains the lack of activity,

    thorninaz thorninaz
    “So since #attackwatch hasn’t tweeted, that must mean no one is saying anything bad about Obama anymore.”

  2. When you become the object of total ridicule within 24 hours of debuting, it’s not a good sign. Pretty much anything they had to say after that would have just added to the punch line.

  3. What makes you think this will be the last time they try this? I expect the campaign to try this same thing next spring or so, maybe with happy colors instead of the Crypto-Bolshevik-Fascist red/black motif. Maybe they can get Shepard Faireyto do the art design?

  4. It would be nice to think that they were laughed out of existence. It would be an indication that they indeed listen to something that’s going on outside the White House fence…

  5. One more example of central control not working. Alas, the worse thing they could do is understand about distributive systems and only use if for a model to run political campaigns, but not how to build a more functional federal/state/municipal government system.

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