35 thoughts on “Florida Shocker”

  1. Nobody wants Romney, but can’t stand Perry … so they consider Cain since He has many of the attributes of Paul and Bachman without the defects ?

    Maybe I should get on intrade too it seems.

  2. I’d vote for him.

    In fact, I’d stock up on popcorn – in preparation for the Dems’ heads to explode as they tried to play the race card. 😀

  3. Cain would be a great president.

    It’s about time we have a president that actually understands the economy, and mathematics.

  4. they tried to play the race card

    In Dem space, there are “authentic” black people, like BHO and Bill Clinton, and “unauthentic” black people like Herman Cain. This parallels non-women Bachman and Palin.

    Try to keep up with the Newthink. If you can’t seem to grok it, check with any leftist academic for guidance.

  5. Has Romney given any indication, experience wise, that he would be anything other than the perfect fabian RINO to follow Obama? I can’t think of any.

  6. This is the best possible result for Romney, it is a huge blow to Perry since no matter how he may appeal to the base Cain has no chance. So now we need to just wait and watch Cain self destruct, he has shown a real ability at gaffe making, and wait for the next serious anti Romney.

  7. Cain did well because he’s not a polished politician revealing how inauthentic the others were. The problem with Cain is there is no evidence he could effectively deal with the battle the next president is going to have to fight. Now they’re talking about Christie getting in. He’s a fighter but no conservative. We need to quit looking for flavor of the month and start thinking about whose been battling and winning all along. We elected somebody without a known history the last time. We shouldn’t do it again.

    Gary Johnson might be great domestically, but he’s got the same problem as Ron Paul in dealing with other nations. He takes those at their word which makes him a fool in that arena. I think Bachmann will realize she’s out now.

    This really is unlike any presidential race I’ve seen in my life (since JFK.)

    The media will do it’s anointing of course. Then comes Sarahcuda.

  8. Exactly. Mark Stein was saying on Friday that at this point in the last election it was Rudy and Fred who were the hotshots. Just because Baron Harkonnen can brutalize the unions doesn’t mean he’s the guy you want, particularly since it’s the New York big money RINOs who are trying to get him in.

  9. From a Byron York article:

    “I liked Cain, but I wasn’t sure he could win,” said Zena, from Washington County. “But after I heard this, I thought it doesn’t matter if he wins or not — I am for this man. He was awesome.”

    And that, dear friends, is how Obama gets another term.

    Cain is a nice guy and he utters some nice words but I still have not gotten the feeling he has the gravitas to handle the world – as all presidents must do.

  10. Gregg, Cain was the CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. He didn’t found the company, he was hired as CEO. He has more gravitas and far more experience in “handling the world” than Obama had four years ago – he’s actually had to make payroll.

    For all those who say “he can’t win”, note that he is actually in the nomination race and you aren’t. You can’t win the nomination, but he can. So could Perry or Romney or Paul or any of the rest. Yes, even Ron Paul – who as I recall, even facing a hostile media, finished second to John McCain last time. (Personally I’d rather see Paul taking Geithner’s job.)

    William F. Buckley was wrong. Select the best candidate, period.

  11. Ed,

    Experience in business is nice. Useful even. But it’s not everything. And by “handling the world” I mean handling the myriad of social, political, and economic issues that pile up daily. Not to mention the extraordinary mess Obama is leaving the next president with.

    With all due respect, Buckley was right and you are wrong.

    What good is voting for an ideologically pure candidate if the incumbent will beat him?

    No good at all. Look at Bob Dole for example.

    Or put another way, the definition of “best candidate” includes someone who can win.

  12. Ed,

    Let me ask you a question:

    Suppose McCain was 20 years younger, as good a campaigner as Obama, and had every chance of winning.

    Who would you vote for? Obama? or McCain?

    Even though McCain is not a deep conservative, I’d vote for McCain.

    Who would you vote for in that example?

  13. Cain strikes me as a person that doesn’t take a lot of shit. That would be great for our foreign policy. Our current President takes a lot of shit and seems to not only enjoy it but think our country deserves it.

    The liberal standard for foreign relations competence of having vacationed in as many different countries as possible, doesn’t really show that a person actually knows anything about those countries.

  14. Cain needs two things: more substance along the lines of 9-9-9, which is powerful for simplicity, and great for rallying opinion; he also needs help gaffe-wise. With the right help he could get both right. He’s not only charismatic, but has character Teflon.

    Imagine: “Obama sounds smarter than Cain”
    Response: “Why, because Cain speaks more like a black man?”

    Race is awful the way it exists in politics, but somehow it’s delightful when racial issues jump the shark and defeat themselves. Imagine all the frothy mouthed liberals this election if Cain is nominated!

  15. Cain could certainly beat Obama. I think he might be a good president as well. His 9-9-9 plan is intended as a stepping stone to the fair tax suggesting he’s pragmatic which means he could probably handle political machinations.

    I still think Sarah would be better for many other reasons, but Cain would move us forward as well and is much better than either Romney or Perry who are both phonies and it looks like the people of Florida may have recongnized that.

    He could beat Obama, but it’s going to be up to the ground game which Obama has and I don’t see Cain has. Sarah would have that ground game. The benefit this time to either is many of the independents are going to be motivated to correct their mistake of 2008.

    Sarah has a strong message once she gets heard. The media isn’t going to keep getting away with the crap they’ve tried so far. But if she doesn’t get in the race, Cain would be a fine choice.

    I look forward to president Paul Ryan when he’s ready.

  16. Gregg, following Buckley’s advice has given the Republican party a string of RINOs as candidates, including Dole, both Bushes, and McCain. Nominating RINOs tells independents you have no principles, or that you don’t really mean what you’re saying – merely trying to fool enough people to get in. And what do these RINOs do when they reach office? Govern nearly as wastefully as Democrats.

    To answer your question about Obama/McCain … if I was an American, I’d have been campaigning hard for Ron Paul. As for who I’d eventually vote for, none of anyone’s business.

  17. Ron Paul is aces on economics, but I wouldn’t trust him with the War on Terror Jihad. I wouldn’t have trusted him with the Cold War, either – he opposed our relatively modest intervention in Nicaragua, and even the invasion of Grenada.

    Cuba is proof enough that the US should have a zero-tolerance policy on Marxist insurgencies close to our borders. Eisenhower should have bombed Castro’s camps back to the Pliocene while he had the chance.

    In this day and age, this really makes me think a Ron Paul presidency woudl get a lot of people killed:

    Rick Santorum responded to Ron Paul’s comments that Iran shouldn’t be sanctioned and that he didn’t see a problem with their desire to develop a nuclear program.

    Santorum said, “Iran is not Iceland, Ron. Iran is a country that’s been at war with us since 1979. Iran is a country that’s killed more men and women in uniform in Iraq and Afghanistan than the Iraqis and the Afghanistanis have.”

    Understanding that a nuclear Iran isn’t a real and present danger. Knowing how to fight it is another. I’m not sure if many pro-interventionists understand that Iran presents two challenges: defeating the mullahs, and not making enemies of their successors. Iran is not Iraq or Japan. We can’t get away with playing Douglas MacArthur there. Not in a country where the US and UK played a key role in a 1953 coup that Iranians won’t forget. The solution to Iran must have pro-Western, pro-democracy Iranians completely in charge of their political process.

  18. Perry has the strong odor of another BS compasionate-conservative Bush presidency about him. We all know how that turned out. The sooner he is discarded the better.

  19. Alan, I respectfully disagree with you regarding the foreign policy stance of Ron Paul. In total, the foreign interventions of the United States have not made the country stronger, but instead created war weary public and paved the way for Liberals the likes of Obama to take up the reins of power. The greatest threat to this nation is not external, but rather the internal rot that relentlously eats away at our personal liberties and freedoms. For instance, our reactions to 9/11 by both sides of the political spectrum have been so misguided that it makes me want to cry.

  20. What good is voting for an ideologically pure candidate if the incumbent will beat him?

    No good at all. Look at Bob Dole for example.


    Either you’re saying Dole was ideologically pure — which is a divide-by-zero-class error — or you’re being sarcastic with the intention of undermining Buckley’s advice far more effectively than Ed could ever dram of doing.

  21. OK,
    For those of you who don’t like Cain (mostly you, Greg), here’s all he needs to say to Obama in a debate.

    Cain: You have made the nation’s debt grow far more than anyone in history.

    Obama: You don’t understand, it’s Bush’s fault.

    Cain: I took over a large, public company that wasn’t doing well. I turned it around and made it profitable. I didn’t go to the board of directors and blame the last guy – I found a way to make it work.

    Debate DONE!!

    Cain is everything most Americans want now, a person who wants to run for office, but doesn’t need (or really want) to take all of the perks of that office.

  22. Romney has brains but accused of lacking a heart — Tin Woodman.

    Perry has a heart but lacks . . . you get the idea — Scarecrow.

    Ron Paul — the Neo-Isolationist Lion.

    (cue snare drum rim shot . . .)

  23. I’ve liked most of what Cain has had to say. But compared to Obama, they’re all outstanding choices.

    I disagree that Cain can’t win. With 9% unemployment or higher, no growth and lousy prospects, I think a Labrador Retriever would have good odds of beating Obama. Vote for the best candidate, period.

  24. The only thing scarier than Ron Paul are the Ron Paul supporters. One night at the bar I started talking politics with some dude in his early 20’s. He was going on and on about how awesome Ron Paul was. When I pointed out that overly isolationist policies of the U.S. was in some part what brought on the World Wars he exploded into spittle flying rage that every war was the U.S.’ fault. He then tried to explain to me that the U.S. supplies all the arms to The World and that we instigate wars in order to sell more arms. He said he knew for a fact that the U.S. has been propping up Russia and funneling money into their military and funding their arms production in order to create a bogey man that the U.S. uses to legitimize the need for a huge military. When I suggested that instead of trying to look for a conspiracy theory under every rock he instead maybe invest some time opening up an actual history book and joining the rest of us here in reality is when he took his beer and stomped off. In fact, I don’t think he’s talked to me since then.

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