5 thoughts on “Elizabeth Warren And “Liberalism””

  1. The more I see people such as Warren getting a chance at the reins of power in this country — or more specifically the voters giving people such as her the reins of power — the more I doubt this country will survive. As a nation, we have lost sense of who we are and what characteristics allowed the stunning success of this nation over the last two centuries. Losing a common vision of what it means to be an American, we are becoming a house divided that will not endure.

  2. There are two fundamental problems. First, she ignores that the “social contract” goes both ways. These people who she wishes to tax already give in a variety of ways to society. They provide goods and services of value, they employ people, they take risks, and they make investments that typically are far sounder than government equivalents.

    Second, she ignores that we have as a society decided to grant people considerable power over their wealth and income to the point that government has been prohibited from a variety of means of taking assets and wealth. If the wealthiest can have their wealth taken away because of vague and spurious notions of responsibility to society, then it can happen to anyone. There are already people who claim that no property is owned privately but rather leased from society/government via the mechanism of property taxes.

    Warren’s shameless sense of entitlement is icing on a particularly ugly cake.

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