23 thoughts on “OWS Versus The Tea Party”

  1. The solution? Invade any and all of the international bank HQs in Wall Street, drag out all the worthless parasitic scum inhabiting them and hang them from the nearest lamp post.

        1. You have to admire his restraint in not coming right out and blaming it on the Jews. That’s who comes to mind when people complain about international bankers.

  2. Power to the people. Consent of the governed. The main difference between TP and OWS is age and wisdom. Youth are often tempted by juvenile Marxist thoughts but most grow out of it.

    For some reason, reason isn’t popular. We need to make it so.

    We are ready for another Reagan that can articulate American ideals. None on the radar however. More likely we’ll get another demagogue to follow the next president (that pendulum is gonna hertz.)

    1. But keep in mind that Marxism is the sea that these young fish swim in. Our entire educational system is infested with leftists from top to bottom, and that’s what they’ve been taught.

      This is a terrific article, and I really like the Venn diagram. Yes, it’s simplified, but I think it’s basically accurate, and something that almost anybody should be able to understand.

      I agree with people who say that this is an important opportunity to educate the young people who are drawn to these protests. While the OWS movement was organized by the far left, many of the actual kids participating aren’t hardcore leftists, but are doing it because it’s “cool”. Maybe they can still be reached before it’s too late.

      1. Who should be doing the education? The media. Will they? That would require they had any to provide. Most of those talking heads come straight from the campus and don’t know any better themselves.

        1. I’ve seen people suggesting that the Tea Party should get involved in these protests, in order to try to reach the young people and give them an alternate message to Marxism. I think it’s worth a try, and is better than simply writing them off as a lost cause.

          At the very beginning, the Tea Party was opposed to the bank bailouts, so there’s some common ground.

          1. Then we may very well be doomed. Nobody said this American experiment is a sure thing. The problem is we’ve raised an intellectually lazy generation. They believe all these elements of Marxism because that is the path of least resistance. We have a whole society to educate and very few are taking the challenge.

            One thing I always admired about that admitted clown Glenn Beck is he always encouraged his audience to do their own research and evidence is many of them did.

  3. The OWS protesters are not concerned about money influencing politics. They are concerned about specific person’s and group’s money influencing politics. Which is to say, they think it is ok for groups that agree with their political perspective to have all the influence.

    There certainly is some overlap with the views of the Tea Party but OWS is not just about big banks. It is their other positions, protest methods, and groups involved in organizing that are troubling.

    1. They seem most concerned about college debt and no decent jobs. This in itself is not totally unreasonable, but they don’t want to man up and take responsibility for their own decisions. They want to blame others. I like that Herman Cain is telling the black community they have to take responsibility and stop blaming racism on their situation.

    1. You wont find videos at a Tea Party protest where the protesters carry the flag of another country.

      Even the illegal aliens marching about locally figured that one out after their first gaffe. You’d think folks would be able to learn from the mistakes of others…

  4. Larry J – That applies if and only if a majority of the bankers are Jewish. I neither know nor care whether that is the case or not; I suspect not.

    1. In the United States we have these things called elections. Let’s see the protesters put up some candidates and if their views truly do represent the 99%, they should have no problem getting elected.

      That would be my advice to them before revolutions and cutting peoples heads off. If their ideas cant survive a vigorous debate and get people elected to public office, then violence isn’t likely to work for them either.

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