14 thoughts on “Things Aren’t Going Obama’s Way”

  1. Although I agree that Biden would be a lousy president, I’ve always said that I’d prefer him as president to Obama, because Biden is constantly goofing up and saying stupid things, and although he often lies about things, he usually gets tripped up by his own lies, as well. In other words, Biden would fool almost no one with his ineptness and dishonesty. Obama is fooling fewer people these days, but I expect more of them will be fooled again when the full campaign gets ramped up and going full-speed.

  2. I’ve always believed that Joe Biden was Obama’s life insurance policy. Noone would dare try to knock off the One if it would make Plugs the President. And for a while, Nancy Pelosi was Biden’s insurance.

  3. This comment may seem OT at first, but…

    I remember Rush Limbaugh’s early musings on Tiger Woods’ marital troubles. Over the years Limbaugh had met many young athletes, and had witnessed a phenomenon common to this bunch. They grow up coddled by their handlers, and adulated by the babes as they reach adulthood. Eventually they land one of those babes and get married. The wife gets to know what he’s really like, and eventually the adulation wears off. The guy misses the adulation, and eventually goes looking for it outside the marriage.

    Y’all probably know where I’m going with this. We know less about Obama’s childhood than we know about Area 51, but we have a pretty good grasp of his adult life in Chicago. He never had to deal with conflict. Life with ACORN, Bill Ayers, Richard Daley, and Jeremiah Wright was all smooth sailing. That didn’t change when he became a legislator; voting “present” insulated him from having to battle with non-fellow travelers.

    Then he ran for President of the United States. For the first time in his life he had to fight to implement one of his big plans, and Hillary Clinton was a formidable opponent He got the nomination. John McCain got the other party’s nomination, so Obama didn’t have to fight for anything anymore. Life was back to normal.

    But then he became president. He had more big plans, and he had to fight a GOP that would not acquiesce like Candidate McCain. He also faced a grassroots protest movement, the largest of its kind since the 1989 Monday Protests in East Germany.

    Furthermore, he has been losing the adulation of those who had supported him from the beginning. Some are dissatisfied that he hadn’t turned the clock back on Bush’s war policies, but many others see that his policies had lot spurred the recovery he had promised.

    Where does Obama go to recapture the adulation he once knew?

    1. We know less about Obama’s childhood than we know about Area 51

      Here is a fascinating account, much of it only recently declassified, of the development of the A12 Oxcart high-altitude supersonic surveillance plane at Area 51 in the early 1960s.

      1. From the linked article:

        (S) When the final screening was complete the pilots selected from the program were William L. Skliar, Kenneth S. Collins, Walter Ray, Lon Walter, Mele Vojvodich, Jr., Jack W. Weeks, Ronald “Jack” Layton, Dennis B. Sullivan, David P. Young, Francis J. Murray, and Russell Scott.

        Back in the early 1990s, I worked with a man named Russell Scott who claimed to be one of the OXCART pilots. He also claimed to be the son of Robert S. Scott of “God is my Copilot” fame. However, all the writings by Robert Scott that I’ve read only mentioned a daughter and not a son, so I’ve been somewhat skeptical of his claims.

    2. Ya, his whole lifetime up to the election consisted of people telling how great he could be but when it came to do something and be judged on deeds instead of potential, he fell far short.

  4. He should stick to playing golf. He does far less damage to the country when he’s playing golf than when he’s playing president.

  5. I wouldn’t put too much into these reports. The left tried basically the same thing about Bush, saying how he too was depressed, started drinking again and his marriage was in trouble. As far as I’m aware, none of it proved to be true.

    1. I believe the part about knocking off work at 4pm. He doesn’t even get in to the office until 9am, has a few meetings and is out doing PR events right after lunch.

    2. That’s the same left who tried to blame the housing bubble on greedy banks and Phil Graham. The same left that claimed that Bush was simultaneously a dunce and an evil genius. The reports about Obama might actually be based on something.

  6. I have compassion for most people. I have none left for Obama. I really, really don’t care. He’s toast in 2012 (unless he can channel enough kids again.)

    I just wish we had someone in 2012 I could care about. Cain wouldn’t be too bad.

    Where’s my bathrobe?

  7. I can hardly wait for President Obama to become Former President Obama.

    (I can just picture him afterward, speaking from a lectern with an absurd “Office of the Former President of the United States” seal on it …)

    The only problem is that I strongly suspect that Former President Obama will be even more of a petty, stupid, anti-semitic, mean-spirited, treasonous jerk that Former President Carter has been. O joy …

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