7 thoughts on “Reason Magazine And Foundation Are Not Libertarian”

  1. Mangu-Ward’s anti-Ron-Paul slurs were pretty pathetic. I remember one article where she actually tried to pretend the Trans-Texas Corridor proposal was just some conspiracy theory he made up!

    That second Lew Rockwell criticism seems baseless, though. True Libertarians writing for non-libertarian, fuzzily-utilitarian audiences aren’t allowed to make the case that libertarian ideas are also of greater utility? Since when? If anything, “libertarians aren’t allowed to make broadly convincing arguments” sounds more like the sort of thesis I’d expect from a fake libertarian concern troll.

  2. Randroid Libertarian autofagie someone ?

    Aren’t these Lew Rockwell and Rothdard people like pompous fools who enjoy the ”holier than thou” trolling ?

    Reason is a libertarian as it gets, Lew is the loonie bitter dude in here.

  3. That’s nonsense. Reason has some writers that maybe lean a little leftwards, but it’s definitely libertarian. The foundation more so.

    I seem to recall Rockwell saying something similar about Cato, which is also bull.

    There are all sorts of ideas in the libertarian tent, ranging from anarchy to minarchy, but this sort of in-fighting is pointless.

  4. I’ve encountered a few people who were militantly intolerant of anyone less libertarian than they. The irony didn’t burn, but it was slightly piquant.

  5. Rockwell is the home of what I call the “bunkertarians”, the absolutist purists who pillory anybody who isn’t 100% ancap.

  6. Not supporting Ron Paul shouldn’t mean someone isn’t libertarian, it does mean they are sane though.

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