8 thoughts on “Reasons That Business Is Freaked Out About Obama”

  1. Given the demonization of the rich, how many of that important demographic for economic growth will simply choose to now fold their cards and walk away from the table. After a certain level of wealth is achieved, many business owners continue with the daily grind simply because they feel they are fulfilling a vital role within society and their employees. With society, led by Obama, now telling these people their contributions are unwelcome, I’m certain a tropical beach is now looking much better with each passing day.

    1. And what happens to people who buy into this belief? If you think business people are evil, are you going to think about starting a business? I doubt it.

  2. With Obama so quickly tying himself to the Wall Street protests, adopting their “99%” claim, and given that his own class-warfare and anti-millionaire rhetoric largely fueled to the protests, and that the results of his own policies are what the idiots are protesting against, it’s going to be very easy for people to think he purposely drove the economy into the ground so he could lead a socialist revolution. Unfortunately the protesters are among the few people dumber than he his, and the whole sordid mess will be added to Solyndra, the Middle-East, the economy, European relations, the exploding debt, Obamacare, and Gun Walker, to not only mark him as the worst President in US history, but to set him apart as an entirely new class of failure.

    1. I was born during the Eisenhower Administration and don’t remember much about politics until the LBJ years. It’s hard for me to say who was the worst president in US history. Until now, it was easy to identify Carter as the worst president of my lifetime but Obama has exceeded Carter’s suckage by a significant amount.

      It’ll likely take a couple generations or more for historians to tell the truth about Obama. Too many of the current generation bought into Obama’s snake oil. For them to admit how bad Obama is, they’ll have to admit how badly they were duped. We may not live to see it but eventually history will tell the truth about Obama’s ineptitude and corruption.

  3. Uncertainty is on the list twice, maybe that was intentional, it certainly is fitting and influences the other points on the list.

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