The “Occupy” Movement

…should be occupying prison:

The media has by and large been very supportive of the various Occupy stunts organized by unions and radical groups. The allegations of rape, pimping underage girls and underage drinking are largely ignored by a national press that repeatedly lied about the peaceful, law-abiding Tea Party movement. With Occupy, police have had to arrest more than 1,000 Occupiers — even as police ignore permit violations, camping violations and pot-smoking. I cannot recall police arresting a single Tea Party member, even though there were 100 times as many of them.

My hope is the American people will see through this charade and vote Republican next year in a backlash against this group of freeloaders.

I hope so, too. I wish there were a better alternative, though.

[Update a while later]

A message for #OWS from an oil rigger’s wife.

2 thoughts on “The “Occupy” Movement”

  1. I know a good number of people who are reflexively left-wing.

    Their general take (as expressed by the stupid Clever Graphics they share on Facebook) is that “The Tea Party people were even worse, but they never got arrested because the Police are on their side, and our innocent freedom fighters are being persecuted because they threaten The Man.”

    So, “look at all the arrests” at least won’t convince the reflexive left. Hopefully it might have some traction with the vast middle who didn’t fall for the “Tea Partiers are wicked monster terrorists!” jive.

    (Of course, the same sources of information are trying to tell me that “OWS isn’t about class warfare”, while ignoring all the pictures of OWS protestors holding signs saying… “Class War”.)

  2. One of the most striking things you hear on the OWS videos is the language directed at the cops. If someone was inches away from my face yelling things like that, it would take all my self control not to strike back at them. My liberal friends wouldn’t take a verbal lashing like that either. Not sure what part of the OWS platform requires that they be total dicks.

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