13 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian’s Divorce”

  1. Kim Kardashian has dandruff, which might’ve caused her husband to rethink her hotness. Then again, I’d do her even if she had leprosy.

    (I heard something to that effect on Bob & Tom, and it might be the only memorable comment from her entire existence.)

  2. Prolly just me but the hyperlinks on the main page don’t seem to be working on my winphone 7.5. But when I tap the comments then I see them and they work.

  3. I think there are two more reasons why I should be concerned about this: 1) that someone cared enough to write and publish an article about it, and; 2) that I sat here like a fool reading it.

  4. How many people actually thought it would last? Celebrities and devoted marriage is an oxymoron. I do like the new measurement that came out of it though…the KU, Kardashian Unit-72 days

  5. I think the author is reaching trying to connect this to everyone else. Couple A’s relationship isn’t magically effected by couple B’s relationship (that is, unless they spend an inordinate amount of time obsessing over it).

    My reaction after reading the article is the same as my reaction after reading any hollywood piece: Holy crap, I was tricked into wasting another 5 minutes of my life on this?

  6. I find it odd that this writer warns us that this sham marriage endangers us all. Anyone who compares this crap to a real marriage doesn’t know anyone who is or has ever been truly married. What endangers us is the fact that when her sex tape pooped up, no pun intended, nobody tarred and feathered she and her 15 min lover Ray J outta town on a rail.

    It’s further odd that although her initial fame was from said tape, she is noted in this article as being known for her TV show. If not for her romp with the hip hop bone head, she’d be working at IHOP.

    Were she my daughter, she’d have been known for apologizing on TV to her family for being a slut, not for further acting like a slut!

    And even though I somewhat commented on the situation, these reality TV twits ALL deserve our ire, not our comments. They certainly do not deserve some of the pity I’ve heard poured for her.

  7. Or maybe I wouldn’t be concerned.

    Not to be too much of a gronch about it all, but I started dating some crazy lady back in August of 1972. We got married in March of 1973.

    And guess what? We’re still married. Our kids grew up, and moved away, and we’ve had our differences over a lot of things, over the years, but we’re still here.

    Whatever…..I don’t claim my marriage as something that should be emulated. We’ve had our moments. But be that as it may, we have survived it all, so far. I’m not going to tell you we’ll still be here next year, because Fabio may come sweep her off her feet, or Miss Feburary may come slumming and take me away, but I wouldn’t offer very high odds on any of that happening.

    We know what and who we are, and most of that goes along with identifying with our Spouse, at this point. Besides that, we like to grouch at each other. It annoys the kids.


  8. There are many things that I’m concerned about. Celebrities in general and this one in particular don’t even come close to making the list.

    Still married 28 years later to the same woman which is about 144 times as long as this sham marriage. If she and her whole family disappeared from the face of the Earth, it wouldn’t change a single thing for my family. Why should we be concerned in the least?

  9. Jefferson 101,
    you’ve got me beat by 9 months on marriage, but you’re story sounds vaguely familiar. Crazy girlfriend and all.

    Of course she’s more crazy grandma now.

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