6 thoughts on “More Of That Smart Diplomacy”

  1. I think I gotta side with the President on this one.

    That is an “incident” these days?

    If the French are that easily offended, screw ’em. So to speak.

    (And I doubt that anyone in France thinks a baby girl should look more like Nicolas Sarkozy than Carla Bruni.

    The choice is clear.)

  2. Snow must be falling in Hell because I’m agreeing with Obama, too. What kind of man would prefer his daughter to look like him instead of his wife? Is Sarkozy that much of a narcissist? Besided, being able to insult the French is an American birthright. Consume excrement and expire, Sarkozy, you French poof.

  3. Given his other foreign policy performances, I doubt he’s thought through what we’ll do when the French spontaneously surrender due to “harsh language”. He needs to clean it up before that happens.

  4. Not that I’m defending this Foreign Relations Mental Midget, but he told a very Anglo-ethnic style joke about Sarkozy, and the French don’t have that kind of sense of humor. If it had been about another English speaking leader, he might get some heat, but most us would have had beer coming out of our noses!

    Maybe if Obama would part his hair down the middle, and if he’d made funny faces and yelled, “..HELLO!!!, lady!!”, they would have laughed.

  5. Just another example of how cultural differences can lead to unintended consequences. Sure, in the states we think this is funny and who hasn’t said something similar to one of their friends? But apparently the French don’t think of it as a joke so much as an insult or maybe French news sites needed to generate some page views.

    You would think that the smart power administration would perform better.

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