8 thoughts on “#OccupyFail”

  1. The OWS plan of assaulting the elderly, crapping in the doorways of banks, surrounding cars and yelling threats at the drivers, pushing cops off their motorcycles, and the rioting certainly has been effective in getting the movement press. Too bad most of those stories don’t mention what the OWS protesters are actually doing.

    Wired is acting as the official propaganda wing of OWS with embedded “reporters”. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/

  2. The Tea Party also knows that winter is a horrible time for an outdoor sit-in.

    Somewhat related, somewhat not, is a post at WUWT on the past decade’s US temperature trends. What especially caught my eye was Anthony’s comment:

    In the middle of all those quotes being bandied about, I get an email from Burt Rutan (yes THAT Burt Rutan) with a PDF slideshow titled Winter Trends in the United States in the Last Decade citing NCDC’s “climate at a glance” data.

  3. The Tea Party has yet to attract this sort:

    A Fort Collins man has been arrested as a suspect in a $10 million fire last month along Mason Street in Old Town Fort Collins.

    Benjamin David Gilmore, 29, was taken into custody Thursday night.

    Gilmore appears to be the same person who recently went before the Fort Collins City Council to ask that Occupy Fort Collins protesters be left alone.


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