3 thoughts on “The Mounting Credibility Problems”

  1. Holder said he regretted that the letter turned out to be inaccurate, but in an exercise of word parsing that would make Bill Clinton blush, he said it wasn’t fair to call it “false.”

    Here’s how he explained the distinction between false and inaccurate: “False, I think, implies people making a decision to deceive, and that is not what was going on there. People were, in good faith, giving what they thought was correct information to Sen. Grassley, which we now know that information was incorrect.”

    I imagine Holder would have a lot of time to figure out the English language while serving time in jail.

  2. The Republicans who voted for him should be ashamed impeached.

    FIFY. I’ve had enough of their go-along-to-get-along collegiality.

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