Sell Out Taiwan

…for a trillion bucks? Why stop there?

This is such a stroke of genius that I suggest we extend its logic to other American allies. Let’s give Iran the OK to incinerate Israel in return for all the free oil we could use for the next century. Or why not give Russia the go-ahead to re-occupy Eastern Europe in return for all the vodka we can drink? And then let’s give North Korea permission to conquer South Korea in return for all the kimchi we can eat.

More geopolitical brilliance and smart diplomacy, courtesy of the New York Times.

5 thoughts on “Sell Out Taiwan”

  1. Rand, the link is currently missing, although the article is easy to find on the New York Times’ Op-Ed pages.

    It is important to note that the piece wasn’t authored by the NYT’s editorial board – it was authored by “Paul V. Kane, a former international security fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School, is a Marine who served in Iraq.” I’d say the merit of the article is that is “raises awareness” of various aspects of our relationships with Taiwan and China in a provocative way. Of course I don’t agree with the article at all, and I agree it is a very stupid idea, but I think the NYT’s editors weren’t utterly wrong to give it an airing – it is good to read provocative ideas. I have to admit it is very easy to imagine NYT editors finding a more thoughtful op-ed piece for the space instead, since they usually do.

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