8 thoughts on ““We’re Going To Burn NYC To The F’ing Ground””

  1. Maybe the order will go out this time, “Use of excessive force is authorized.”

    The SC has ruled that many things are covered by the First Amendment. I really doubt Molotov cocktails meets the “free speech” criteria. Time to bust some heads.

    1. I think they’re going for “freedom of assembly” and to a point, they may be right. However, does that clause of the 1st Amendment cover taking over private property or public property in other cities?

      How about equal protection under the law? When the Tea Parties wanted to assemble, they applied for the proper permits and paid all of the associated costs for security, etc. Many of the same cities turned around and literally gave the Occupoopers a free pass, not only for a day but for weeks on end. I think the various Tea Party organizations should sue each of those cities to recoup the money they paid to hold their assemblies.

      1. You can freely assemble as you like, but you are not allowed to monopolize municipal improvements (parks, the steps of city hall, streets, etc.) or block easements at will, hence the need for permits to keep it all nice and orderly. You have no such right to assemble and speak on private property. Note that the #OWS Astroturf, initially created to occupy high-profile private buildings was immediately thwarted by private security, turning the useful idiots into the park hobos we all know and love.

        The equal protection issue is exactly why TPers are demanding permit refunds – they won’t get it, of course, because there’s no equal protection to break the law as the #OWS and their state-enablers (#OWS is the state, after all…) have done. It’s purely symbolic, illustrating that they have the high ground (standing up-wind from #OWS is a good thing.)

  2. Ala, with respect: ISn’t that giving both waaay too much respect to the OWS types, and giving them an excuse? Reavers were utterly terrifying, approaching the status of frontier bogeyemn and what they were was not their fault but something that had ben done to them against their will.
    OWS types aren’t terrifying unless you’re a defenseless woman inside their encampment after dark and are most definitely ‘what they are’ by choice.

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