26 thoughts on ““All Models Are Wrong””

  1. “What if climate change appears to be just mainly a multidecadal natural fluctuation?” muses one scientist. “They’ll kill us probably.”

    What if, indeed.

  2. Larry
    I’ve been stocking up on rope. Any takers?

    I also have a few pitchforks and know how to make torches.

  3. Jagadish Shukla: “It is inconceivable that policymakers will be willing to make billion-and trillion-dollar decisions for adaptation to the projected regional climate change based on models that do not even describe and simulate the processes that are the building blocks of climate variability.”

    Hey Jag (can I call you Jag?), want to bet on that?

  4. This shouldn’t be tossed off with a few slogans and then allowing the people responsible to disappear quietly into the night. This demands a full up national discussion on politicized big science and it’s relationship to government and government funding.

    It is often the case that policy decisions are made on the basis of “studies” which are all too often subject to political manipulation. This needs to be re-evaluated in the light of what amounts to record levels of scientific fraud.

  5. So the mewling infant that we call Climate Science – a 40-year-young offshoot of meteorology – has been thrust into a political role long before it’s capable of supporting the claims made on its behalf. From the archives we can see the scientists know that too, and we can read their own reluctance to make those claims


  6. These guys are to modern Science wht the Medeval Catholic Church was to Christanity. Anybody see the comfy chair or the cushy pillow?

    1. (Full disclosure: I am an evangelical Protestant.)

      The Inquisition happened because Ferdinand II wanted a pogrom to secure his tenuous power in Spain, wanted to outsource the contract to the Church, and strongarmed Pope Sixtus IV into taking it (IIRC, he threatened to pull troops out of Sicily, troops that served as a deterrent against Moorish invasion of Sicily and Italy).

      I wouldn’t use the Spanish Inquisition as a metaphor for warmism. The former is the product of coercion from an outside force. (The nations may have been Catholic, but the monarchs were political rivals of the Vatican.) CAGW is entirely an inside job. Nobody is twisting the arms of the warmists.

      Where I will draw a comparison is with the very logic behind inquisitions in general. The Catholic authorities misinterpreted their own Bible as warmists misinterpret the laws of nature, and both sets under their own volition. The Bible never authorized the Christian Church to discipline heretics beyond kicking them out of the Church, and scientific common sense doesn’t suggest that a tiny portion of Earth’s greenhouse gases is capable of driving the global climate.

      The #OWS parody writes itself…

    2. Oh, don’t quote me the OT to discredit my claim regarding the discipline of heretics. The law of Moses set up the government of the Israelite government. And even that government wasn’t given blanket powers to prosecute general heresy (just specific heresies).

      1. I was just making a gratutious Python refernce. Don’t take it too literally.

        The Catholic Church didn’t regain it’s moral bearings untill after the reformation when they got seroious about non-indulgence issuing, non corrupt Popes and realized they better clean hourse before these upstarts take all of their congregation away. Competition worked even then.

        Where is our Martin Luther?

        1. Well, one could argue they were doing a bang-up job until the 1200’s when Political Correctness got its start…

      2. Unfortunately, there are people who take certain Inquisition comparisons seriously. (That sort tends to side with the Warmists.)

        Someone should open a Godwin’s Museum – essentially a monument to bogeymen. It woudl feature Nazis, the Catholic Church, the religious right, conservatism in general, Commies, anti-Commies, and of course Joooooooooooos.

    3. You could make a good case that these guys are a duplicate of the Medieval Catholic church. They see signs and portents of the end of days in the weather, and blame bad weather on man’s sin. They tell us our salvation lies in abandoning worldly things like wealth and luxury, and sell indulgences to the rich in the form of carbon offsets. They brand as heretics any scientist who disagrees with them. The list goes on.

  7. George T,
    WHEN did the church say that, even in the Medieval times? That give up worldly goods stuff is MUCH more a Protestant thought and teaching pattern. Having grown up in Catholic School and being a history junky, I’ve never read that before.

    And the church didn’t force false NEW science on anyone, they kept down NEW science that they felt was heretical, OR that threatened their hold over the people.

    1. I think it was an allegory. But I do believe the Catholic priests would accept payment for absolution.

      1. OH, and not to mention they would use the carrot of total absolution to sway politically connected figures to the favor of the church.

    2. I’m not sure if the Catholic Church said it, but Jesus wouldn’t shut up about it (the widow gave all she had, fat man and the eye of a needle, etc) and religious orders had that vow of poverty thing, so surely it got a mention somewhere in their sermons. ^_^

  8. When he said “all of the models are wrong,” he was clearly referring to known climate skeptics Tyra Banks, Heidi Klum, Adriana Lima, Naomi Campbell, and Kate Moss, and saying they were all wrong about it. So that proves</i

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